
Is panda express genuine Chinese food because my grandmas friend went to china and said the food sucked?

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i think its americanized




  1. Well most of everything served here in the united states is Americanized and every body's taste is different you might like it so trust your own opinion not someones Else's

  2. Differences: American Chinese uses MSG, Chinese food usually doesnt.  American Chinese uses no animal organs, Chinese food does.  American Chinese uses alot of sugar in there food, and Chinese food uses enough sugar to balance out the flavors.  American Chinese doesnt use bitter melon, winter melon, 1000 year old eggs, or too much duck, where Chinese food does.  American Chinese is prepared quickly, and Chinese food is prepared like a normal meal.  American chinese food deep fries everything, Chinese food only deep fries certain things.  

    Simularities: Chinese noodles, rice, use of Ginger, Soy sauce, oyster sauce, chili peppers, orange, chicken, pork, beef, fish, eggrolls, cabbage, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, hoisin sauce, wontons.

    Fast food always caters some ethnic stereotype, and its never as good as the real thing.  Mexican-American fastfood, tacos with low grade meat, doused in cumin to make it seem "mexican." that nacho cheese you get at a football game, and greasy sauces.

    Italian American.-Pizza cooked as a real italian style is much more varied, and uses good quality sauce.  And the spagetti sauce from a can is just crushed tomatoes with oregano, to make it seem "Italian"

  3. It's a good question.  It is a shame about your grandma's friend.

    Some people when they travel do not go with an open mind.  The food is different in every country - even pizza is way different in Italy than in the US.

    The fast food type places are even more adapted to American tastes.  

    Try a good Chinese place in Chinatown, NYC or any metro place and you'll get a better idea of the cuisine.


  5. Panda?  that's like fast food saying McDonalds is the best representative of classic American cuisine

  6. Which food sucked? China's or Panda Express?

    I went to China a couple years ago and ate Chinese breakfast, lunch and dinner! It was very good! They use a lot more veggies than we do (Americans love their meat).

    Panda Express isn't real Chinese. Your grandma's probably used to the American way of eating.

  7. I can only imagine some chinese person coming here + expecting everything to taste as gross as a McDONALDS BURGER

  8. I'm not Chinese or of any Asian decent...but i know real Chinese food and panda express in not it!!!!!! let's not talk about those "99 cent" Chinese places - yuck-o!!!!!

  9. i dont know about panda express but the chinese food here is americanized. chinese people would probably hate us if they tried ours. its because in China, thats the real food.. to us it tastes different because we're used to it the not-real way.

  10. Nope. I'm Vietnamese and Chinese and places like Panda Expres I like to call "Americanized" Chinese food....

    If you go to China the food is gonna be much different. Trust me. We were there and some American tourists left the restaurant in the middle of their meal because they didnt like any of the food and couldnt find anything to eat. It annoyed me. I personally dont like Panda Express that much.

    Its kinda how Taco bell is "Americanized" Hispanic food.....

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