
Is parallel parking on the NJ road test hard?

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I do not do it until the end of the summer when I am 17 but I am so nervous about it, my friends brother took it a few years ago and it was ridiculously easy, but I had a lot of trouble doing it during my 6 hours (my instructor made me practice doing it, and lo and behold I screwed up). The reason I ask is because my friends brother did this a few years ago and things might have changed. personally I think its ridiculous, I will NEVER parallel park in my life. any tips on P parking?




  1. your test should be easy as pie. my second week in a tractor trailer I was parallel parking and blind side backing with a 53 footer in center city Philly and places in Jersey,so good luck!

  2. .

    It gets easier with practice.

    6 hours of tuition? You should think yourself lucky. In the UK the average is about 30/40 hours to pass the test.....Actually, maybe you should consider yourself unlucky and ill prepared for the test (and the road!) and do a few more hours...


  3. it is not hard just practice until you get it.

  4. Step 1:

    Use your turn signal to indicate the direction of the parking spot.

    Step 2:

    If the space is not yet vacant but the car in it is about to leave, wait behind the spot.

    Step 3:

    When the space is vacant, pull ahead of it until you have pulled up beside the car parked in front of the space. Your rear bumper should be even with that car's rear bumper with about 2 feet of road between you.

    Step 4:

    Put the car in reverse. Begin to back up slowly; as soon as the car starts moving, turn the wheel as far as it will go toward the curb.

    Step 5:

    Back slowly into the space.

    Step 6:

    When the back of your car's front door is even with the rear bumper of the car beside you, begin turning the wheel away from the curb.

    Step 7:

    Continue turning the wheel away from the curb and backing slowly into the space.

    Step 8:

    Straighten out the wheel, then pull forward or back in the space as needed to center yourself between the cars in front of and behind you. Your car should be 6 to 8 inches from the curb when you are parked.

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