
Is parapsychology a scientifically accepted, or accredited study?

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Is parapsychology a scientifically accepted, or accredited study?




  1. Of course not

  2. Psiexploration's answer on the "scientifically accepted, or accredited study" question was right on the money.  However, one or two of the others who responded here (and on similar questions) have mistakenly suggested that results alone are what drive investment in scientific research.  

    That is, unfortunately, not true -- as anyone knows who has carefully read the work of philosophers of science Thomas Kuhn and Imre Lakatos.  Mainstream publishing and research funding are often denied to research programs, even if they use legitimate scientific methods and are producing real results, if the results those programs produce contradict the establishment view on some scientific theory.

    Also, if someone says that those who reject parapsychology are knowledgeable about what they are rejecting, don't believe them.  The vast majority of those who have opinions against parapsychology have never actually examined any of the claims or evidence supporting it.  They have just heard that it is bogus, or someone tells them there is no evidence, and they think that is enough to base an opinion on.  (Unfortunately, it goes the other way, too;  many who say they believe in parapsychological phenomena have ALSO never taken time to study the field, LOL!)

  3. Parapsychology is legitimate if conducting research in a scientifically-sound manner.  There are a few schools out there that provide a limited course of study for those who wish to study parapsychology.

    You'll note that very few surprises have come about as a result of parapsychological research.  The money follows the action and there isn't much action here.  That doesn't mean there couldn't be.  Maybe you'll be the Margaret Mead of parapsychology.

  4. There's only one way to find out.Ask the Colleges and Universities.See how many give courses.Then you can answer this question next time it's asked.With the definitive answer.

  5. NDE's or near death experiences are the one field in parapsychology that is taken seriously. I am a paranormal investigator and even though I have seen a Ghost proving it is another story. NDE's have the most concrete evidence of any paranormal phenomena.

  6. The scientific community certainly does not speak with one voice or think with one mind. So who you ask depends on the answer that you get.

    However, the largest scientific organization in the United States is the American Association for the Advancement of Science (link below) and the Parapsychological Association (link below) (the professional organization for the science of parapsychology) was elected as an affiliate of the AAAS in 1969. Despite the claims of controversy (there were a few members against this that were very vocal just as there are today). The actual vote reflects other wise, The governing council of the AAAS voted to elected the Parapsychological Association as an affiliate by a vote of 6 to 1.

    Fields of science are not accredited. The universities and colleges are accredited. True some organizations like the American Psychological Association does accredit doctoral level psychology programs and represents it's members interests to licensing boards and provide approval for continuing education and such activities.

    There is no similar organization in parapsychology as that it is not a public health service but full membership in the Parapsychological Association does require a doctorate and most hold doctorates in a traditional physical or social science.

    Franklin Pierce University is a fully accredited university that offers a minor in parapsychology with a major in psychology at the undergraduate level.

    Many universities will customize a program of study if one wishes to pursue it. For example the University of California Berkley granted a degree in Magic (perhaps still the only one from an accredited university) to Isaac Bonewits (link below).

    Most scientist (even in the parapsychology world) seek a traditional education in science and do their doctoral dissertations on something involving parapsychology. For instance Carl Jung did his dissertation on the psychological study of a trance medium.

    Universities outside of the United States (accredited in their region of the world) offer degrees in parapsychology such as the University of Edinburgh (link below).

    Other universities (in the US and outside of the US) while having no educational program support research via research programs (links below).

    So despite the screams of skeptics it seems to be an accepted scientific field of study requiring extensive ( a doctorate) education in science and is supported by academic institutions.


  7. Any investigation in the per suit of the truth i.e. facts is a legitimate scientific endeavor!

    This is my humble opinion!

  8. a true scientist will look at all things equal and draw logical conclusions from it.

    most scientists today try to push the idea of reality that they have on the rest of the world.

    I really like what one of my friends said in regard to parapsychology,

    "that kind of thing has something going on, but it is to hard to research, I prefer things that can more easily be proved."

    my bet is that most people would come to that conclusion if given enough time.

  9. Is it scientifically accepted? Depends on who you ask :)  Paranormal believers may say yes, while most everybody else who is informed on the topic is likely to say no. Most universities don't seem to think it qualifies as a science, as evidenced by the almost unanimous lack of accredited degree programs for it in the universities (though there are a couple exceptions). Based on this, it doesn't seem very well accepted at all in the scientific community.

    The only arguable claim that parapscyhology has as a science is that the Parapsychological Association is an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. However, their affiliation has been controversial from the start (they tried 3 times to get in and failed the first 2 times) and probably could have only happened due to the aggressive efforts of one particular person, then-AAAS president Margaret Mead, who lobbied hard enough to finally get the PA elected to affiliation on the 3rd try (see link below)

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