
Is pasta a diet food????

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i mean can v eat pasta wen v r tryin to loose weight???




  1. If you're serious about losing weight you MUST try Acai Berry! I first heard about on Oprah, and I ordered a 14-day FREE trial from this site. I've already lost some weight and I've got tons more energy.

  2. no way its flour you'll definitely put on weight if you have it in a good amount

  3. yes omg god yes. dont use diet word like that

    cause diet means eating pattern. can be to gain weight too

    um pasta is carbs - that gives you energy

    so you should want that

    what you dont want is to have too much and live a lazy life

    if your pretty busy

    you need alot of carbs

  4. nope, step away from the pasta and put it in the cupboard, its everything you don't want lol (:

    if it is you're favourite food you could, say when you loose a stone, or a pound or w.e  have it as a treat....and then go running right afterwards to work it off so you dont undo all you're hard work (:


  5. well not really because pasta is full of carbs...nd after a bown of pasta you will be feeling bloated so it would be better if you stick to steamed vegetables and you can have a little carbs with it to make it more wholesome and filling..

  6. Pasta is full of carbohydrates which are good for the body only if eaten in moderate proportions and followed by exercise. If you do not burn these carbs off then they will turn into fat.

  7. It's generally not a good idea to eat much pasta when you're losing weight. It's in my opinion the worst kind of carbohydrate you can eat (besides white bread). If you want to eat carbohydrate eat brown rice or quality bread with lots of seeds.

    With that said I personally think you can still eat pasta when you're on a diet just limit the amount you eat as it is high in carbohydrate (that's basically what it is).

  8. pasta potatoes and bread aren't very good while trying to loose weight

  9. Yeah, it's a staple on the Get Fat Fast diet.

    Don't go there.

    Stay away from pasta, white bread, rice, potatoes, sugar and you'll lose weight.


  10. Pasta is a carbohydrate, so it contains a lot of energy. So it really depends on what kind of diet your on. If you're not planning to do a lot of exercise, i wouldn't recommend a lot of pasta, but it is healthy and can be eaten maybe once or twice a week.

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