
Is patriotism, religion, and flag pins. . .?

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the tools of con-artist?




  1. It shouldn't be,,but it has been turned into a tool to deceive..I have always found that if your whatever, Patriotic,,Religious,,Atheist,Soldier,  you don't need to profess anything..The fact you wear a button or a flag pin,,or a military bumper sticker,shows concert for a cause ,a faith or whatever.. The truly dedicated NEEDS no affirmation to dictate his endorsement of anything..In fact the most committed and genuine people don't want to be obvious or be an attention getter for their choices in life.. The hypocrites ALWAYS  like and want to wear an endorsement on their sleeves just because it makes them look good..That too is why people who want to do  good things for others,,usually do them anonymously!!The phony,,wears a pin carries a bible ,or puts bumper stickers on their cars to enhance themselves as to say,,"Look at me I am good and I endorse "whatever!"Some of the finest people whom I have had the pleasure to have been in their company,,(although they are truly heroes for causes and commitment and by their actions)usually won't ever even talk about their part in whatever they have done !! The" big blows", never stop talking about their part and what they have done !!Outward signs metals ,pins , signs, bumper stickers,bibles,are worn and carried for PERSONAL attention,,not for honestly..    SOLOMON

  2. Every day they are.

  3. Yes,When you wear a flag pin or practice a religion that you really dont care about just to impress people,your a con artist.

  4. No! They are the trade in stock of any pure American!

  5. Yeah, and if we keep on repeating the lies we might one day totally avoid discussing politics, because we only care about calling each other con-artists.

  6. Possibly... If a Democrat is using them...

  7. No-part of the value system of a majority of this country.   When did that get to be such a bad thing with some people?    Where did we go wrong?   Too much LSD in the '60's I guess.

    And it should be "ARE patriotism..."

  8. no but it shows a common sense of pride, and conciousness.

  9. it certainly can be, and that is always to be considered,

    it does a disservice to those who are sincere, but the scammers are common enough that you need to consider the possibility

  10. Since when has patriotism and religion been considered a bad thing? How is that used as a tool?

    I think you aren't patriotic, move to Canada!!

  11. It's a manipulation of symbols by the cons, to label those who disagree with them as unpatriotic. It's a standard election ploy, but it won't work  this time. This is a typical tool of the con artists, who wants to avoid a serious discussion of the issues

  12. Religion certainly is a tool of the con-artist. As for the other two, they can be.

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