
Is patriotism a good thing?

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Do we really have the right to feel 'proud' when someone from our home country succeeds? As if it had something to do with us?

What makes people think their country produces better people than another country?

We are all familiar with acts of violence, occuring at (sporting) events between nations (i.e. soccer/ football)...Riots etc.

It's utter stupidity! People clearly think they are better than someone else simply because of where they were born!

Patriotism is responsible for so much violence and hatred in the world. Yet it makes no sense at all!

Does it come from a deep rooted sense of 'entitlement' in us humans? What is its purpose?




  1. Religion is responsible for far more violence and hatred in the world than patriotism.  

    I think that patriotism is a good thing if done respectfully and for the right reasons.  Using patriotism as justification for violence and harm is unacceptable.  I also don't approve of people rushing off the war in the name of being patriotic.  

    It also bugs me when people try to claim that a person cannot denounce the current war(s) and be patriotic at the same time.  Being patriotic does not mean being pro-war or pro-violence.  

    I think the wave of patriotism that swept the nation during the "space race" was kind of inspiring.  I wasn't alive, but from what I've read and heard, it was inspiring and it was for a good cause.  

    What is its purpose?  Patriotism serves to create solidarity among members of the same country.  It functions to unify and strengthen the bonds between individuals and smaller groups to create a larger stronger group.  It can be good: it can inspire people to do good things, invent things, strive for greatness.  It can be bad: it can justify unspeakable acts and hatred.  

    I don't consider myself particularly patriotic, but I am not an "anti" person.  I 100% hear where you are coming from.  I wish people would think a little more and realize that some behaviors are very destructive.

  2. It comes from INSTINCTive need to "belong" to a tribe or herd. It is a need for security rooted in INSTINCT for survival.

  3. only 4 babys

  4. i think its all a load of bs, especially when i can have other people do it for me. i could care less.

  5. peaple tell me i have the biggest patriotism and yes it is bad because it causes racism

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