
Is payback ever okay in a relationship?

by Guest63702  |  earlier

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I'm not talking about serious stuff like cheating. My boyfriend ignored a couple of my text messages this morning (I asked him to bring me something to eat at work, but I think he didn't feel like leaving the house). Whenever I don't respond to his texts he gets annoyed. Should I ignore his texts later?




  1. Stupid games >.<

  2. Its the path of least resistance to payback. Its a personal choice. I try to take the high road myself but I sometimes payback to make my point.

    If you two don't eventually forgive each other, a cycle may develop with heartbreaking consequences. Your overall mental and emotional stability may be at risk. We all pick our battles and I think you will fight those battles your parents fought right out in front of you growing up. Most of the conditioning happens without awareness. It is about behaviors, words and deeds that have been passed on from generation to generation.

    I think your love is being tested. I still payback out of anger, but I have grown. My payback nature shows me how far I miss the mark. It gets better with age and you will learn to focus more on the strength of the relationship rather than the faults of one partner.  

  3. It seems reasonable to me. Do it.

  4. Sounds like you guys have a little childish game going on. Talk to him on the phone, and ask why.  

  5. haha i do that with my friend too. she wont reply to my texts even though i KNOW she has her phone with her so ill ignore its actually really dumb but it makes me feel better so go ahead an ignore his texts!

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