
Is paying $4500 for braces too much?

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I know that the price for orthodontic dental procedures vary from case to case, but I feel like my daughter's orthodontist is charging me an arm and a leg here. I've heard from others who got similar procedures done that adjust crowding (with expanders and extractions) for around 3, 600.

I'm just askin' for your opinion-- is 4.5k too much?




  1. Your right in the average price for orthodontic treatment. In my case, I paid around $2000 for mine because of this great plan I have. I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands since $$. From my Braces, to exams, xrays, extractions..etc. all services are included in this very very affordable plan. My benefits were active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps.

  2. It really does depend on how long your daughter has them for, how many checkups she needs, & if she gets a retainer. If she gets a retainer, & goes in for a monthly checkup that seems right I guess.

  3. 4.5K!!!!???? holy c**p i gotta get brces i dnt got that kinda money!?...lucky friggin rich people

  4. i hate braces. i never wanted them they suck my mom made me get them. anyways their more then my braces so yeah i think its 2 much.

  5. It depends for how long but i paid 4k already with insurance.

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