
Is peer pressure fact or fiction? Do you make your choices on your own or based on influences?

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Is peer pressure fact or fiction? Do you make your choices on your own or based on influences?




  1. peer pressure is a FACT but you can have your life's choices on your own without putting down the others' beliefs. i guess, it is all a part of growing up that we have to learn from.

  2. Make my own choices.

  3. peer pressure is for pure suck-ups

    well not really

    Peer pressure is incase fact but any human reaction to it is the fiction. Someone may be pressuring you to do something but if you react by "falling" into that pressure, its your own mind playing tricks on you.

    So the pressure may be real but falling into can be made fictatious within the mind

  4. as much as i hate to say so, peer pressure is indeed a fact.  In order to keep friends or make new ones, many kids and teens will do almost anything, even if it means sacrificing their own moral values.

  5. Peer pressure is definitely, absolutely real. But as they say you always have a choice. No matter how much anyone pushes you to something, if you have a sense of pride in yourself and not self-conscious then thank heavens cause you're free from peer pressure. But if you have confidence issues and live to please other people then you're an open target.

    Sometimes it's inevitable to not be influenced. For example my choice of music is influenced by my mom and aunt. We used to live in the same house and since they have their own CDs and I don't (hey, I was just a kid then) I had no choice but to listen to their fave songs and eventually got the hang of it and actually enjoyed listening to them.

    But in the case of choices, it's not bad to listen to other people's perspective since their idea might be better than yours. But two heads are not always better than one. So weigh the facts carefully before doing or saying anything.

  6. OH, take a course in social psychology to get a good feel for the various pressures that influence our decision-making. Or, just spend sometime online researching studies in conformity (Asch), compliance, obedience to authority (Milgram), Zimbardo's prison simulation study. I could go on and on. The point is, we are much LESS individuals than we would like to believe ourselves to be. While the influences are not necessarily always PEERS, there are numerous external influences on our behavior and choices, nonetheless.

  7. Honestly, I'm 16, Ive been the victim to peer pressure before. Now that I know that I was being stupid, It doesnt really effect me as much anymore. But I can say, it is indeed true.

  8. Peer pressure happens.

  9. No man is an island. Everything that happens day to day throughout your life affects how you make choices. Peer pressure is definitely a fact, but it's not always bad either.

  10. Peer pressure is DEF a FACT!!!

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