
Is pepper spray illegal in Ireland?

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Is pepper spray illegal in Ireland?




  1. Yes, it is illegal to carry any form of a weapon on your person in the republic of ireland

  2. Yes BUT not if you put it on your chips

  3. In Ireland re. Pepper Spray

    Its illegal to use it as a defensive weapon

    Its illegal to have it in your possession

    Its illegal to sell it

  4. yes it is

  5. I'd guess Yes, at it's an offensive weapon and we know how pernickity the EU court of human rights are

  6. yes it is.

  7. Yes it is completely illegal.  It is illegal to either buy or carry it.  If you tried to buy it over the internet it could be confiscated.  This also applies to mace spray.  

    Our police are not armed and it is also illegal to carry arms in public unless by licence and then there are very strict conditions.

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