
Is per petual energy possable?

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ill answer myself you try to dissagree

if its impossable what if we use gravity to make energy.




  1. The Law of Conservation of Energy (or Matter)...

    "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed".

    From this it can be said that, "Energy is already Perpetual".

  2. no way. remember Newtons law, engery is neither created nor destroyed. the same amount of energy produced from a mechanism that uses gravity to create that energy would be useless. why you ask? because it would require the same amount of energy in the opposite direction to reset that mechanism to the state is was in that allowed it to have the potential gravitational energy it had to begin with. the only way we have energy is through conversion like coal into fire that powers a generator. nice thought though. work on it and when you figure something out, let me know so we can share the millions you would make!

  3. The matter has not been conclusively proved either way. It hasn't happened yet, but that does not prove impossibiity.

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