
Is perception of Life, Love, Reality or Happiness dependent on experiences or wide reading???

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Do mention the type of experiences or subjects that may affect one's philosophy of life. Must a person take up a recognized course of philosophy to really know what it is all about? You know--studies of Plato, Socrates and all the key philosophers being a must. Just a doubt to be cleared.

Thanks so much, in advance, for kind comments!




  1. Read about Life, Love, Reality and Happiness. Then try to experience it on your own. Then write about each one, the way you felt, so others can start their journey.

  2. There is absolutly no reason that a person can precieve life, love, reality or happiness withoiut get into Philosoply.

    Take a newborn, They have not have experiences or education to identify reality, happiness or any thing negative. They can't express it in words, but in crying and being happy in laughter

    There is no way to project an answer to this question becasue it is too general and have many variables.

    Some might say tht we can only know joy if we have experienced pain and we can't know pain unless we have known joy. That is way too simplistic.

    A person just born has been squeezed from their mother's birth canal. The presure has been tremendiouos. The circulation of blood started the lungs functioning. Some old doctor is trying to slap you to get your crying. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Where am I. Babies can't put words to these feelings, They just feel it.

  3. Is online dating safe? Maybe I can give you answer. I had met several men online, none seemed to be real serious in persuring a long relationship. However, I'd like give online dating a chance, a few days after I joined, I received an email from a gentlemen and we began corresponding for a few months...We got together April 16th, 2007 and we are now preparing to marry this Autumn. Though the online dating is filled with unknown things, the thing you should do is give it one more chance.

  4. It can be both. We learn through two ways experience and through other peoples experiences. Ultimatly the most powerful source is our own experience and here we can conclude what is useful to us. With experiences we grow and that is how we get better in life, we learn what does and does not work for us. For example, i have learnt that the way i think attracts certain things in my life! but i could never learn that from someone else  if i have not expereienced it myself

  5. Reading philosophy only serves to help one think about these ideas.  Philosophy can open someones mind to ideas they might have never other realized, but this isn't the important part.  Life, Love, and Happiness can never be truly understood by one's self.  It is through sharing these things that they become reality.  No matte what it is, only by sharing an experience can it ever become reality.  Basic philosophy teaches that everything we feel, see or experience is only a product of our own mind.  When we share these things they become something so much greater, they become a memory, and more importantly a shared memory.  Everything shared with another person is something to be cherished because experiences shared are the only real experiences.

  6. Experience is what gives insight, which is true knowledge. Books are at best only a guide, at worst but a substitute, for it.

    Twenty years ago i decided to build a reflecting telescope. About optics I knew only the little I could remember from my school days, about construction nothing. After three years of reading anything about telescope-making I could lay my hands on, I borrowed a jig-saw and finished the job in a week or so. It took me some months of experimenting to get to know enough about collimation to get the optical components aligned to my satisfaction.

    This was a simple newtonion reflector, the easiest configuration to construct, but having built it I can now say I know telescope-making somewhat, while had I only read books all these years since then, I would have known a lot ABOUT it.

  7. The perception of these things isn't simply dependent on experience but rather formed by experience.

    As for the either/or aspect of your question: wide reading is an experience also, and it can have as much of an impact as anything else.

    My personal philosophy is molded by experience. The reading of philosophers is a deepening of that experience. It's all inter-related, one shapes the other.

  8. Read all the philosophy, condense and take the essence of each. Select the few and the best that suits your lifestyle! Try the experience to follow the principle you have taken guidance to live with and arrive at better level of same philosophy to get yourself more refined in thoughts and to live more meaningful in life and to guide others BY YOUR PHILOSOPHY!

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