
Is petsmart a good place to buy gerbils?

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Is petsmart a good place to buy gerbils?




  1. I got my old hamster Twitch there and he lived a long time but do alot of research and learn how to identify any signs of illness before you bye it

  2. personally, I say no. I've had wayyyyyyyyyyyy too many incidents with PetsMart animals to EVER go back or recommend them.

    Countless incidents....and I also find that the workers don't know anything about the animals or even care

  3. Me personally, I think that the gerbils and hamsters are not as good of a choice. Because they are raised in either metal cages with other gerbils to make more, or they are breed captive in farms. (Which I think is cruel.) So it is really your choice if you want to support captive breeding farms then yes it would be ok. But I think that a gerbil from a smaller pet store would be better. Go to

    and type in your city and also type gerbil stores or something along that line.

  4. You shouldn't just "buy" gerbils from a pet shop. If you're going to "buy them it's best to get them from a breeder.

    The BEST thing you can do is adopt an unwanted one though. There are so many unwanted pets these days and not enough people willing to adopt them. Try your local shelter for they probably have some.

  5. I would recommend a breeder or adoption first.  Check out or craiglist.  You may find a gerbil there you like and it gives them a home.  

    I personally am not totally against Petco, Petsmart, or pet stores in general for this reason.  If the small animal looks healthy and is active and it's a pet I think I will like then I will just get it because it will have a much better home than at the pet store.  Petco and Petsmart usually do have animals for adoption also and I have adopted more than once that way.  Sometimes they will not have what you are looking for with adoption.  That happens to me a lot.

    Most of the small pets I have gotten from pet stores were very healthy but the cage was either filthy or their food was just terrible.  These guys looked so miserable and when I got them home within a few days they looked even healthier and were much happier.  That is why I would buy from a commercial pet store.  You are giving them a much better environment to be in.  

    So either way, you are doing something good by adopting, finding a breeder, or getting one from your local pet store.  I'm sure some may not share my opinion but that's fine with me.   However, adoption should always be considered because many of these small pets do not get homes and are stuck in cages for months.  

  6. No, they buy them from breeding mills and they are usually sick.

    Adopt instead  

  7. I got my gerbil from there and I've had him since March.  The animals there seemed healthy and I haven't had any problems with my gerbil thus far, so...yes?  Haha.

  8. It doesn't matter the place you buy it, it matters who sells it to you and if they are knowledgeable about the animal.

    When choosing a gerbil, look for one with healthy eye color, no discharge around the nose or eyes, healthy feet and paws with no spots or redness, a healthy coat of fur.

  9. Personally I would not  buy a pet from any petstore, they often come mis-sexed, with mites/lice or infections. The first answerer may have had a good experience but many people haven't.

    I would suggest going to a rescue and re-homing or adopting an unwanted animal. If more people do this with animals, even guinea pigs, chinchillas and rats etc petstores won't breed animals in breeding mills where they are kept in poor conditions.

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