
Is pherngern (anti nausa med) really addicting?

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someone in the forum mention it can be its non narcotic not a benzo how could it be addicting ?




  1. HI,

    Hum..I'm not sure. I've gotten that in IV form when I go to the hospital when my pain meds aren't working and it's so extreme that I need IV dilauded 3-4 milligrams to begin to touch the pain.  Then suddenly it's totally gone.  The best feeling in the world after suffering out many hours deciding if I want to go to the hospital and roll the dice and take a chance on what kind of doctor is on. It could be one that wants to lecture me about addiction. Or one that knows my condition and knows I don't just run to the hospital with a simple ache or pain, and will treat me like a human being who is in the utmost desperate need for an understanding doctor who understands horrific pain, and the level it can get to. I've been in such pain that it indeed causes me to be nauseous. They have given me pherngern IV form along with my dilauded.  I never felt anything to make me feel as though I "needed" or had to have the "pherngern" boy that's a pain in the *** word to try and spell. lol  I never heard of it being doctor ever told me about it...I just know it really helped my stomach to feel normal again and not like throwing up.


  2. The short answer is that any medication can be addicting.  Anything we put into our bodies can become addicting.  There are different forms of addiction, psychological and physical.  Psychological addiction usually takes hold with drugs like narcotics, sleeping aids, anything that causes a euphoric sensation, etc.  It can also be formed in medications that people don't usually associate with addiction.  This can include OTC (Over-The-Counter) painkillers, sleep aids, cough medicines, etc.  Physical addiction can occur with those some drugs.

    Phenergan (promethazine) can rarely cause a euphoric feeling.  It is an antihistamine and antiemetic (nausea medicine).  It also causes sedation.  The possible euphoric feeling and the sedation are good reasons for its psychological addiction.  Any drug, if taken over a period of time, can become physically addictive if the body develops a "need" for the drug.  If a person's body cannot function without the drug, then they have built a dependence on that drug.

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