
Is photovoltaic solar power a good source for clean energy?

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Is photovoltaic solar power a good source for clean energy?




  1. Yes it is.

    But, just now, is too expensive, so the best contribution to save the planet is to save energy.

  2. good is a value laden term.

    Are PV cells a sustainable form of E ?

    To determine this requires consideration of the amount of non renewable resources used (and associated CO2 released) during their construction.  In addition PV cells do not last forever,  they run at optimal efficiency for 10-20 years technology dependant.

    You need to consider the whole life cycle of the product.

    Trees are natural solar power collectors, and photosynthesis is much more sustainable than PV.

  3. Photovoltaic panels pay back the energy and CO2 used in their manufacture in at most 4 years.  Since the panels generally last 20-25 years, they are a net win for the environment.

    Are they cost effective?  Not yet in most locations without subsidies.  If the panels are used only to offset an expensive tier of electricity, then they can be very cost-effective.

    The link below shows our solar panel project.

  4. It's still kinda expensive, but that should change soon with thin film technology. But in principle, it's as good as it gets.

  5. i think it is supplies

  6. Solar Power is Eco clean and has been around for a long time but to expensive for the masses.

    Homeowners now have the opportunity for a Solar Electric System without the up-front investment.

    You pay only for the electricity that is generated. What’s more, it costs the same as your electricity service does today, but unlike your electric company, the price will stay the same for up to 25 years.  Join the solution and reduce our dependence on foreign oil! Sign up for Solar Power today and take a step towards energy independence.

  7. Sure it is.  Photo cells use the sun's energy to produce electricity and produces no ghg's.

    The only down side is that these cells only produce power when there's sunlight.

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