
Is picking at pimples and acne bad for your skin?

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I'm 14. I use medicine for my pimples. But my dad says some of them are "too big to be treated" and picks at them till the pop out. I keep telling him to stop but he won't. When it's done, my face usually looks red, and sometimes I start bleeding. (not much though.) Isn't this bad for the skin?




  1. Yes it can be. It can cause scars. Although some are big and wont go down for a while, they can be embarrassing to have a big white head too. I only touch my face when they are really ready to be touched. Dont go looking for things to pick at.

    As long as they are healing after you squeeze them you should be ok, but touch them the least you can and with clean hands only, they can spread this way.  

  2. Picking them can (sometimes) cause permanent, minor scarring which can be unpleasant physically, and I guess it is a sign of that skin being damaged, but it won't make you sick in any way.

    I would avoid picking them if at all possible.

    Pimples are very common in adolescence so you probably can't really avoid it if you are prone to them. The best treatment is just to keep your skin as clean as possible.

  3. YES, it will leave scars all over your face!

    What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into acne. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly acne.

    Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:

    Good luck :)

  4. medicine is to prevent the formation and cause them to go away more quickly. but once it's a whitehead, that's the worst it can get. so honestly, popping it isn't a huge deal, it can't get much worse. but picking at them is a different story. if you pop it w/ a sterilized needle to relieve the puss, that is one thing. b/c it can still heal fairly easily, only the tiniest bit of skin was damaged. but picking it, i would imagine, would remove too much skin, and yes that's not that great. it takes longer to heal, and if you  keep picking it can scar. and plus it's WAY harder to cover w/ makeup.

    hey do not let him come near your face, lol. you decide which ones you can deal w/ and which ones are absolutely so bad you need to pop them. i should also say they heal more quickly when you DONT pop them, but still if it's a whitehead i think it's so ugly it's worth the wait (for healing time) by just popping it w/ the needle.

  5. Prepare a juice of lime and groundnut oil. Apply this mixture on and around pimples. You will get good solution for pimples and acne.

    Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne

  6. No doubt Bro if its pretty bad my comiserations to I know it can be very distressful just hang in there and if anyone leaves any hutrful comments just ignore them nothings face value

  7. Yes, it is. If you really need to pop them, use cotton swabs and apply LIGHT pressure on the sides. Immediately put some ice on it, and when the ice melts, apply some anti-bacterial cream on it. You can also use a sterile needle and pop the top of the pimple, just using the same technique above. White heads and blackheads wont really leave marks, but pimples will.

    Good luck. :)

  8. That is terrible for your skin!  When the zits are popped the stuff comes out and spreads oil that causes more acne!

  9. Yes because the liquid that he poops out the pimple is dirty and when it touches the skin it makes more pimples plus popping pimples will also leave small scars.  

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