
Is pinching my nose to stop a sneeze bad for me?

by  |  earlier

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everytime i feel a sneeze coming on i just automatically pinch my nose to stop it, ive been told that it could burst my eardrums and make me hard of hearing but its never stopped me. but all of a sudden i keep getting mild earache after i hold a sneeze. the obvious answer is to stop pinching my nose, but i cant! ive got into the habit of pinching my nose and i dont have to think twice. does anybody have any ideas what to do : /




  1. better than pickin it lol but in all honesty its that time of year hayfever boots in.  Try the medication avil

  2. lol yeah its bad for you, its a way of your body getting rid of the dust up your nose lol it just makes ur body sneeze agen and when u go to sneeze just touch your nose when you go to pinch it , it helped me :)


  3. May cause a sudden release of pressure from the lower orifices.  

  4. Suppressing a sneeze can be very dangerous. Ear drums are the lest of your worries.

  5. its very harmfull dont do plzzzzzzzz i have a case of same... he damaged his ears eyes and all his veins of neck  plzzzzzzzzz dont do sooooooooo

  6. As unpleasant as these things are, the human body gets rid of certain things for a reason, ie. gas, (above and below). Why are you doing this? If you just have to suppress a sneeze, lay your index finger up under your nose firmly. This works for me, but I only do this whenever absolutely necessary.

  7. if u want to stop sneezing, hold your breath, but don't pinch your nose. it works for me.

  8. I use to pinch my nose when I would, I have a problem with my left ear because of it.  I do not hear as well out of that ear.  My doctor says pressure from holding the sneeze pushed against the ear drum but I don't remember what he called the damage done to it.

    Instead of holding your nose, just place the side of your finger up to your nose but let the air escape instead of holding it in.

    And another thing he can actually rupture (burst) a blood vessel in your brain also.

  9. Can blow your lungs up.

  10. I too do the same

    but i don't think it will cause/affect anything.

  11. Ya it is very bad 4 ur ears !!! u shuld totaly stop doing that !! tll som1 2 hold ur hand wen u sneeze may b :D? or try putting ur hand behind r back... b creative ... jst try 2 remembr its dretful 4 ur ears !!! u cn hav an operation done if ur sneeze is strong enough !!! b careful

    Hope this helps

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