
Is pink eye a reason to stay home from work?

by Guest44613  |  earlier

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I am a counselor at a day camp and I think I'm getting pink eye. It is Saturday night and I go to work early every weekday morning.

I work with children all day and it is pretty much impossible to not have physical contact with the kids. Also, washing my hands often is impossible as we are outdoors at activities all day and rarely around sinks.

We aren't really allowed "sick days" as there are no replacements for us.

What do you think?




  1. If you do definitely have pink eye (conjunctivitis) and you work with children (or in health care or food service, for the record) then it is ABSOLUTELY a reason to stay home from work!

    Speak to your employer ASAP (or leave a message) and inform them that you think you may be getting pink eye. Tell them you'll update them again tomorrow, and again Monday morning.

    See if it gets worse tomorrow. If you do have conjunctivitis, your eye will probably be stuck shut with goo in the morning, and very sensitive to light. If not you may just have some minor irritation or a slight scratch. If it is conj. you will need prescription eye drops, no way of getting around it, go to a doctor. They work fast, so you might make it to work Monday.

    If you do have conj, and you're not better by Monday, and your employer tries to get you to come to work anyway, tell them you don't feel comfortable with the liability (which you shouldn't! people sue over ANYTHING these days!) and that you will come in if they want you to, but they will have to sign something stating that you informed them before hand of your condition. Trust me, they will quickly decide that they can manage without you for a day.

    If you really want to cover your butt, record the conversation in case they decide they don't like being put on the spot and mysteriously fire you in a week. Then it'll be YOU raking in the wrongful-termination lawsuit money!

  2. Yep.  if you wake up with yucky stuff coming out of your eyes, its pink eye.    Can you go to an urgent care or maybe a Walgreens take care clinic?   Once you start using medicine, it clears up very quickly.   If you go tonight or tomorrow morning, you should be fine by Monday.....unless of course you are wanting an excuse to get out of work, then yes, its a good reason to call in :)

  3. Stay home. Pink eye is contagious. You don't want the kids getting sick and the parents complaining. Maybe go to the doctor as well. Don't forget to call in though, or you could, maybe, get fired.

  4. Yes, don't go to work.  Go to the doctor.

  5. 24 hrs after you begin treatment it is okay to return to work....treat will be fine by Monday.....I am sure if those rules are okay for healthcare workers, it should not be a problem where you work....that is even the protocol for most schools and daycares also

  6. Are your eyes stuck shut with gunk? Do they itch? Are they red and puffy ? If you really think you have pink eye you should stay away from work until you are on meds from the doctor for 24 hours. It is very contagious.

  7. pink eye, aka. conjuctive itis, is an infection in the eye, which is very contagious. It is spread from one person to another by touch.  Its a pretty itchy infection, and you will touch it subconsciously.  then you will touch something else and boom- you all have pink eye  lol.  Usually you will get gentamicin eye drops from a doc.  There anitbiotics.  My childrens pediatrician gave me some useful information the last time my child had pink eye, EVERY TEST THAT HAS EVER BEEN DONE on the antibiotic treatment of pink eye has come back inconclusive.  meaning that there has never been proven that antibiotics even help.  my ped. recomemded doing nothing, and my childs eye healed on its own.

    I dont think you can go to work. :o(  i think by law, at least in my state, children cant return to school or daycare with pink eye.

    an option if its only in one eye, is to put a patch over it so you dont touch it, and bring a bottle of germ-x.  

    Conjunctivitis is usually causes by a virus *which is why there questioning if antibiotics help* but if it is bacterial, then it is most likely staff, or strepp in the eye.

    good luck

  8. Is it bacterial or viral conjunctivitis, or pink eye due to allergies? If it's the first two, you should stay home. If it's allergic, go to work.

    You definitely have to go see a doctor. Staying home but not seeing a doctor for this is a no-no, in my opinion.

  9. There are some introduction of working from home.Hope that can help you!


  10. Definitely stay home, pink eye is contagious, and you don't want other workers to catch it and keep passing it on!

    don't get too close to your kids, get it checked at the doctor, and make sure you don't touch your eyes with dirty hands, and always remove make-up.

    I'm sure your boss will be okay with it. Feel better!


  11. If you truly have pink eye, it can be epidemic. The virus, adenovirus subtypes 8, 11 and 19 can remain on surfaces for up to two (2) weeks after you touch them and transmit them to numerous people, causing serious outbreaks. I would consider carefully staying home to avoid shedding the virus and transmitting to others.

    Hope this helps

    Adam D Koenigsberg MD


    Jacksonville FL

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