
Is pizza ok to eat????????????????

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since the US ban on tomato's causes by sickening people from salmonella poisoning, is it ok to eat pizza?? im starting my summer soon.. (this friday) and am going to miami, south beach (florida).. is pizza ok..? or should i not take any chances!?!?!??!!?!?!

Thanks. In advance. :]].




  1. Consider two things in regards to eating pizza in the face of the tomato-salmonella scare: 1) Pizza is cooked in excess of 500 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of eight plus minutes. This will kill any bacteria or any other kind of living organism that could harm you, including raw sliced tomatoes used as a topping. 2) All the tomato sauce used to create pizza sauces are cooked prior to packaging and then cooked again as outlined above. Pizza is safe to eat, rest assured.

  2. Pizza is good i ate it for 2 months nothing happened to me

  3. the salmonella poisoning thing is over. it's totally ok. i promise

  4. Its cooked so it should be allright.Just like eggs.

  5. there isn't a ban on tomatoes, they've been "cleared", they found out it wasn't even from the tomatoes anyway..

  6. well don't ask for tomatoes at for sweet chili or something for me its cheese and ham

  7. well don`t put tomatoes on your pizza

  8. Hii well pizza is fine to eat because people are testing the tomatos for salmonella and if they do they arent going to ship or serve them. Remember tho you dont want to eat to much pizza because that isnt good either.

    Hope this helps and have fun in Florida :)

  9. i mean, people are still advertising pizza hut, and dominios, so i guess so. Everybody would be sick, if pizza was a problem.

  10. better safe than sorry

    it contains tomatoes so i would avoid!

    good luck have fun in miami!

    please help my mum;...

  11. uncooked tomatoes are believed to be the cause, cooked tomatoes, like in sauce are fine to eat...and most places have started serving tomatoes again also.

  12. go to a resturant. because they are probably aware of that and will probably make sure their food doesnt contain anything unhealthy.

  13. Pizza is fine.  The tomato sauce is pastuerized so any salmonella has been eliminated.

  14. first of ll they were banned for like a day and second of all the guy got salmonella cuz his amund system was down cuz he had cancer if this happened to  normal person they would be fine

  15. Eat your pizza honey!  And enjoy your vacation.  Don't let the pizza stop you.

  16. Yes, the tomato sauce on Pizza is safe to eat.  The tomatoes in the sauce have been cooked and the salmonella has been killed.   It is mostly raw tomatoes that is making people become sick.  On the news last night, they reported that it is now over 1,000 cases of confirmed salmonella and they are broadening the search to include onions and peppers.

  17. You're OK. Salmonella wouldn't survive the 500 degree temperatures in a pizza oven, even if it was introduced on the table when they were assembling your pizza.

    If it isn't, I know 31 people who are going to be sick, and they all have nothing to do on a Wednesday morning.

  18. pizza is fine , most bacteria die in hot oven

  19. pizza is gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... and alll miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... so don't EAT



    its fine for you don't worry a thing


  21. Pizza's yummy.

    And yes, it's fine.

  22. The salmonella risk is associated with whole uncooked tomatoes. It does not pertain to any kind of processed and/or cooked tomato product like tomato sauce. Besides, a pizza is usually going to be cooked to a high enough temperature to kill any salmonella bacteria if the sauce wasn't safe to begin with.

  23. The US banned tomatos?  Lol.

  24. yea pizza is okay to eat.

  25. pizza is wonderful no problem.

  26. Yumm pizza!! Yeah just go ahead. Besides, it's just sauce, with all the added preservatives and everything..

  27. The Salmonella is gone now. Pizza is fine to eat as long as you don't get the super cheesy crust and extra cheese. Also when buying a pizza try to get as many veges as you can. Veges on pizza are delicious, I used to not like Veges at all but then they automatically became delicious with the pizza. It is fine if you don't like olives or mushrooms or any other veges just pick those off. But try to eat as many veges as possible. Also if you don't like veges at all dip your pizza in ranch dressing, its a tasty not to many calorie way to eat pizza. Also it takes away some of the veges flavor if you dip enough of the stuff into it.

    Don't be worried about the Tomatoes because it is fine now. Enjoy some pizza, also at many pizza places they serve delicious salads with their pizza. Try to get your family to eat some salad too!

  28. I would avoid American food in general.  Mainly not to do with salmonella, but to do with the fact that their food is disgusting, that stupid people make it for stupid fat people, and in general food is not respected in that country.

    Don't go to Florida.  Go to Ontario.

  29. Wasn't the source identified and eliminated?

    I thought that was history already.

    The scare was over fresh tomatoes, don't most pizza parlors/restaurants use canned?

  30. yea. i live in miami and i eat pizza. its deff fine. dont worry.

  31. About 2 or 3 hundred people out of millions in the U.S. have had the poisoning.  It's not really worth worrying about.

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