
Is playing a good idea

by  |  earlier

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is it a bad idea to join v-ball if i can't serve the ball




  1. of coarse not...if you work at it eventually you'll be able to get it over the net.

  2. idk i need points

  3. Join.  You will learn.  It's a great sport and lots of fun, one of the very few that I can actually play well.  When I first started I wasn't very strong, but I learned how to serve, and so can you.

  4. When I first started playing I couldn't serve either. Practice makes perfect but if you truly love the sport you should try out. Serve underhand until you can serve overhand.  

  5. No. When I started playing, I couldn't serve. But now I can. All I did was practice. And my coaches really helped me a lot. If you want to have a really good serve, practice and also ask if your coach could watch and see what you were doing wrong. That's how I learned.

    Don't will know how to serve.
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