
Is please and thankyou really necessary?

by  |  earlier

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at work my boss ends every sentence with a please. wash them trays please. it doesn't make the sentence nicer. even though she says please she doesn't sound like she is saying it nicely. but my other boss could say wash the tray to me without please and it would sound more nicer then what the other boss would say. so don't say it if u don't mean it.




  1. It is important to treat people as you would want to be treated.  Your boss needs to learn this.  When she says to wash those trays, try to smile and say, "Of course."  A smile is hard to ignore.  You may break her icy shell some day soon.  Your other boss sounds much nicer.  I am going through the same thing, and so far this method is working.  Good luck to you.

  2. If you do it to much, that is un necessary, but it helps to be polite.

  3. Well, I always say please.. I'm more likely to WANT to do something if someone says to me "Could you wash that, please?" Rather than just.. "could you wash that?" .. and it's nice to hear "thank you."

    So.. yeah.. good manners are a MUST.

  4. Only very ignorant people are annoyed by politeness and manners

    and I didnt say please or thank you

    If you worked for me you would be asked please and thanked but if you dont show the same manners to others I would not ever put you in charge of others and would not see you as an employee worth keeping

    I run restaurants, and working for me you will not be abused yelled at or belittled....

    If you cant do the work I will train you or lose you, but never treat you as less than myself.

    "honour is a gift that costs nothing, but is more valuable than gold" - RAS


  5. here, here, I agree, that is soo annoying. I believe it is important to say, but if your voice is nasty, the please/thank you doesn't count.

    Its kinda like I could take a pile of poo and put it on a plate, sprinkle it with sugar and give it to you, would you eat it?

  6. Saying please and thank you is always the respectful way to speak to people.  Barking commands doesn't make people feel comfortable.  You aren't the person who determines whether they mean it or not.  They say it because it is proper and because they say it they have manners and are giving thoughtful consideration to their request.  If you dont' happen to believe they mean it, too bad.  They must have more respect that you.  Judge not.  You obviously have an agenda and no one respects those with agendas.

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