
Is plucking pubes considered self harm?

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I'm 13. I don't have very many pubes but what I do have I pluck.

Is that considered self harm? It feels good...not like sexually....but just good.....




  1. seek futher help now cause you have mental problems  

  2. Well that's strange lol but ok my ex did it  

  3. No. It's not.

  4. Sounds like trichotillomania, a disorder where you pull out your own hair (yes, even pubes). Its more of a compulsion than a self harm disorder. Its no big deal, honestly. If it starts getting in the way of life, go see a therapist.

  5. Wax or Shave!

  6. ow.... doesn't that hurt?

  7. Creep!  You're a guy for heaven's sake!  But if you have to, ugh *acting out vomiting*, then shave if you must.   *more vomiting*

  8. Yes it is very self harmful.

    I think you should stop.....

    it is strange

  9. its strange. but i don't think it would be self harm, h**l when you get more you might want to remove them for other reasons

  10. you dont have very many friends, do you...

  11. I dont know if you are doing it just for pleasure or not but if you are  trieng to get rid of them they are just going to keep growing so it is pointless.

  12. OUCH! thts sounds painful

    but hey, if you like it better than shaving, then hey, go on with your bad-self. lol

  13. odd, but no not self-harm, just grooming

  14. why are you puckin pubes anyway? let dem grow and no it aint self harm its just stupid.

  15. shave it, dippy.

  16. NO its..natural..a lil weird or sum...but natural

  17. Strange...

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