
Is pluto a planet or not?

by  |  earlier

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There are so many sites saying it is and it isn't...and i have to do an assignment about the solar system so is Pluto really a pluto a planet or not and if it isn't..what is it?




  1. I say yes, and the people that matter say no. Sucks don't it?

  2. It was on the news a while back it is not a planet but i wish it was it is such a cool name..haha

  3. No, pluto is not a planet. It is called a dwarf planet.

  4. Pluto is no longer a planet since 2006. Planets have to meet a certain requirement: "An object that orbits the sun and is large enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity. In addition, a planet has to dominate the neighborhood around its orbit." Because Pluto's "moon" Charon is half the size of Pluto, Pluto doesn't "dominate the neighborhood around it's orbit". Pluto is now a dwarf planet.

  5. pluto is not a planet it is smaller than africa so they say it is a dwarf planet not a normal one

  6. Not since the IAU declared it to be a "dwarf planet" back in 2006.

  7. No it has been formally downgraded to a dwarf star.

  8. No its not.... Now its called a dwarf planet. =]

  9. Officially, Pluto is no longer a planet. -

  10. No, it's actually been given it's own Classification (!)... a "PLUTOID,"

    (along with other icy-rocky-things-on-the-edge-of-the solar system.)

    Hey, Pluto!  Congrats on the...... promotion (?)

  11. Pluto is so not a planet anymore scientists figured out that it was a dwarf planet. i don't know why I think because it didn't have a gravity filed.

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