
Is poetry something you should be born with?

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Is poetry something you should be born with?




  1. Well yes and no. You should have some inborn aptitude, but most of it depends on how you develop it. I have friends that are fantastic fiction writers but stall out on poetry. The dedication is there, but it doesn't come together for some reason.

    I didn't get serious about writing poetry until my 20s. It wasn't anything I thought to do when I was younger. If asked I wouldn't have thought I had any aptitude for it. But I also dealing with a school system that mostly exposed me to poetry that was hundreds of years old--I didn't speak or think that way so poetry seemed archaic.

    I kind of think of it like art. Anyone can learn to draw, but not everyone can create a masterpiece. Everyone can learn poetic techniques but their work may never be better than passable.

  2. No,  I began writing poetry after I was married !!

  3. No.  As with anything else,

    poetry skills must be

    practiced, honed.  

    It gets better with time.

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  4. NO!!!!!anyone can be good at poetry!!!!! u arent born with it, u create. poets have writers block all the time, but they get through it. ur probably good 2!!!!

  5. Should be?  No.  This is something you can develop if you have an interest, passion or genuine curiosity about your hidden talents.  Many of us are late bloomers.  So it doesn't matter whether or not you have an innate creative talent or one that you develop through hard work.  However, if this is an interest you do have, read, read, read.  The better you understand how language is put together & used by the best authors &poets, the better poet you will be.  Start now by absorbing through reading & taking time to write when your muse moves you.

  6. yes like music you must be born with poetry. practice only perfect it. the seed must be there. as for the lady who started writing poetry after her marriage. it was in her only marriage it brought to the surface

  7. Contrary to a previous answer, not anyone can be good at poetry, and the evidence of that truth permeates this site. If one has the knack for it, it can be polished and refined, but it can all depend on one's definition of poetry and the standard aspired to.

  8. it can be. but it takes practice to get good;...

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