
Is poker a viable means, if one is prepared to practice, of earning a living?

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now i know a lot of people will say probably not but the more you play the less chance becomes a part of the game!




  1. if you are VERY VERY good and are prepared to loose alot initially while practicing then yes it can be done- Poker is 90% skill, 10% luck....this is why you will always see the same names on the top of league tables.

  2. No!

  3. Yeah and theres plenty out there waiting to relieve you of your money

  4. It is possible, obviously, or there wouldn't be pro poker players.  Some, like Doyle Brunson, have millions upon millions of dollars, and a good share of it isn't taxed.  

    You have to be very good and play a lot.  If you decide to make a run, you need to have at least 6 months worth of living expenses in the bank separate from your bankroll.  You need to learn as many games as possible, learn how to manage your bankroll, and learn how to deal with long losing streaks.  It's extremely hard to do, and a lot of women won't put up with a husband or boyfriend without a "real" job, so if you try it you might get dumped.

  5. Win A Free Seat To The World Series Of Poker

  6. I have made a good second income from poker. It is possible to play well consistently and win money but be warned, it is at it's core a game of chance.

  7. I think that's like asking if baseball or acting is a viable means of earning a living.  For every person that's managed to do it, there must be dozens, if not hundreds, of other very talented individuals who didn't make it work.  If you're considering it, I would take a similar view point that most aspiring athletes take:  Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

    Having said that, I think poker can be an excellent INVESTMENT for anyone willing to make an effort.  I earn money playing, although I highly doubt I will ever give up my day job.

  8. Years back I was very interested in statistics and mathematical probabilities. Most gambling games blatantly have set the odds against the player and after so many bets you can calculate the profits down to the penny with 99.999% certainity.

    Peer to peer poker is a relatively level playing field -that is if no one cheating or the other players haven't secretly conspired together to set you up as the patsy. For almost 20 years I use to live just outside of Atlantic City and yes I did gamble. Professional gambling is tough way to make a living.

  9. I do..

  10. I love the analogy that another answerer used.  It is like asking if acting or singing is a viable way to make a living.

    Around the world there are thousands of actors and singers performing in tiny little venues to tiny audiences, scraping together just enough money to rent a tiny apartment.  Yet as we all know there are also a few who live like royalty in multi million dollar mansions.

    Poker is very much the same way.  There are superstars that you see on TV, there are those that do okay, and there are those that are living close to being broke.

    If you are exceptional, practice hard, and give your all to the game, it is certainly possible to be a long term  winner.  Despite the luck element to the game, it is a game of skill.  In any given hand luck may play a big factor.  But in the long term, the more skilled players will always walk away with the cash.

    I think the most sensible approach is to play poker part time.  Work a real job, but play at the weekends or evenings.  If you are good enough, you will eventually start to win.  You may even make a nice second income.  I've even known players who make more than their real jobs playing poker part time.  But it is quite a leap to turn professional and rely on poker for your sole source of income.

    Just like in acting, there are thousands of people all over the world who have the same idea having seen some famous player win millions on TV.  To make it work, you have to be better than those others, and learn how to exploit their weaknesses.  You have to have a lot of discipline and put in the time and effort necessary.

  11. It can be done.. I have only been laying poker for about two years and have already quit my job to play full time...

    Visit my NEW website Its full of great people who enjoy poker.. I am sure I can help you on your way to building a bankroll and making a comfortable living..

  12. if you don't have a high standard of lifestyle it would probably get you by

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