
Is poker an easy way of making 'quick money'?

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Since there's no school i thought i'd make a bit of money, but rather than taking the traditional, boring minimum wage job root...i thought i'd do some thing which could potentially make me rich over poker a good way?




  1. There's some good answers on here but I'll keep mine short and sweet.  If you have to ask this then you're nowhere near experienced enough to pull if off unless you get real lucky ;)

    King Cobra Poker

  2. only if you win

  3. It's an easy way of losing 'quick money'.

  4. if you are just starting you will lose money  but if your ok you will be good

    remember if you cant find the sucker in the first half hour you are the sucker

    play the man and not the cards

  5. Not that quick but it is a way! I liek to stick to blackjack and roulette! Quicker than poker and less thinking! :D

  6. Yes and no.

    Poker is a hard game to master. Some people get it quicker than others, and some people never get it. If you take the time to really learn the game there is money to be made. But, in general, no. Poker is not a get rich quick scheme.

  7. Depends entirely on how good you are. I aint shootin for no "top answer" because other people have pretty much said exactly as I would. If I were you I would learn as much as possible and do as I did....Hustle your dumb *** mates! Play a few hands (that you purposefully loose), then strike with some good (newly learned) poker skills. Just remember it's not about the cards you have, or the cards the other players have. The only thing that matters is taking the chips from the other players. Just practice self confidence and a cracking poker face, invite some lesser intelligent people round and bleed em dry. I earn loads doin it. Just be careful through cos a lot of my friends will no longer play for money! Best of luck! xxDxx

  8. Without knowing your ability as a poker player, there's no real way to answer this, although the fact that you're asking the question implies that you're not convinced of your own ability either.  Most professional poker players will tell you that their skill and experience is hard-won, across thousands of games, and that you have to start small and grind the low-stakes games to earn your stripes.

    The other thing to consider is how are you going to get your stake?  Unless you've got thousands under your belt already, you'll need that minimum wage job just to get yourself enough of a bankroll to play.  Once you've earned the money, risking it all to "get rich quick" may not seem so attractive, and the chances are you'll run into a better, more experienced player and they'll swallow you up.

    Poker's a good way to make quick money if you're already an excellent player, but even then, you need ot be lucky.

    Try "Play Poker Like the Pros" by Phil Helmuth.  Execrable human being, but he knows about the pro-poker circuit.  Another good insight into professional poker is "Big Deal" by Anthony Holden.

  9. Well, it depends. If you got talent, and a little bit luck, yes.

    If not, no. Remember that in poker you can gain money as well as lose money.

  10. in gunna say no poker is all about luck but i guess it could potentially make you rich but i would find something else like buying something in bulk (so you get a discount) and then sell it for a profit

  11. Yes, poker is an easy way for some people to make quick money, but not you.  You do not have the expertise nor the bankroll to play yet.

  12. only if you are good at it. you have to have some characteristicts, like luck, a good poker face, and you have to set a limit of what you are betting cause if you dont then you will not win.

    what theyre good for:

    luck- if you get the right cards in the begining, you pretty much won

    poker face- this helps you bluff and not give away your hand

    setting a limit- if you dont you will run out of money even faster than you will gain

  13. Absolutely.

    I find that anyone I play poker with seems to make money quickly and easily.

    Can't think why?

  14. No,playing poker will only bring you heartache.

  15. Maybe for the other people at the is hardly an 'easy' way - learning the skills and strategy to earn money at it takes time and effort (and even then isn't guaranteed - even pros bust out now and then).

  16. you can make some quick money if you get the right cards and if you are lucky at cards I am the best have made more money playing cards then working 40 hours a week  

  17. You need a lot of practice and experience before you start making the big bucks...     a lot of young pros start out online, since they don't live close to a casino....

    Come play at Full Tilt, they have a lot of great games and offers...  plus you can talk to some of the pros and get tips...

  18. well if you g-OH MY GOD LOOK BEHIND YOU THERE A MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  19. There really are very few ways of making a lot of money easily and quickly (and legally).  Poker is certainly a way to make quick money, some top players can make a million dollars on a good night.  Or take down a multi million dollar tournament in a week.

    But just like a Hollywood actor can earn more money shooting a movie in a few weeks, than most people earn in a life time, it doesn't mean anyone can do it.

    Poker is a relatively simple game to learn, but it takes years of study and practice to become proficient.  Make no mistake, it is certainly not an easy way to make quick money.

    EDIT:  To the guy that advised sticking to roulette or blackjack because it involves 'less thinking' I respectfully suggest that he doesn't understand the games.

    First off roulette cannot be beaten on a fair unbiased table, without cheating.  The house edge is 5.26% and you cannot get away from that.  This is why you never see a professional roulette player.

    Secondly blackjack has just as much thinking to be good at it.  There are over 3,000 potential rule combination in any given casino.  Each subtle rule variation will affect your edge (and the house edge).  Then there are over 200 scenarios to remember in Basic Strategy.  Along with all kinds of other techniques you need to know in order to count cards.

    So like I said, anyone who thinks that blackjack is simple, doesn't understand the nuance of the game.

    And the problem with blackjack and roulette versus poker, is in poker the house doesn't care who wins, but when you are playing against them, they most certainly do.  And they won't hesitate to kick you out if you keep beating them.

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