
Is pole shift the same as geomagnetic reversal.?

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If not, then how are they different. If they are, then what is it called when the earths center of rotation on it axis changes . Does it snap into its new alignment or does it slowly change. Not sure if that makes sense.




  1. There is no such thing as a "pole shift" except in the minds of quack doomsday shysters.

    The Earth's axis of rotation changes slowly, regularly, and continuously over the course of tens of thousands of years in the processes of precession and nutation, similar to the wobbling of a spinning toy top. None of this changes anything about life on Earth, except that the pole stars change.

    The magnetic polarity of the Earth reverses itself regularly as well, but again, there are no significant effects of any of this except that you'd have to get a new compass. No, it is not happening in 2012.

  2. depends on what you are talking about, throught history the earth has had many "pole changes"  A geomagnetic or magnetic pole shift does not involve a shift in Earth's axis or a movement of landmass. Instead, only the direction of Earth's magnetic field changes - the direction in which your compass points. Magnetic pole shifts are the most studied and documented of pole shift theories. Scientifically we know that there have been thousands of such shifts. In some cases Earth's magnetic poles have shifted as much as 180 degrees, a complete reversal. NOW a geological pole shift would be the physical movement of land mass on earth and would be catostrophic! however there is no scientific evidence to back this up. so dont worry. Hope this helps

  3. Magnetic pole reversal are known to occur about one to three times every million years. We are currently overdue for the next one. While a reversal is happening, Earth's magnetic field is weak, which weakens our shield from the solar wind; this could increase death and sickness from radiation.

    Geographic pole shifts are not proven, but they are theoretically possible. The whole mass of the Earth cannot change its rotation, but the crust can conceivably slip across the mantle. Thats like the skin of an apple slipping across the juicy part. No money is available for studying this because most scientists dismiss it as another crackpot idea from Charles Hapgood.

  4. Magnetic pole changes occur on occasion, probably due to changes within the earth's core. They are usually minor and have very little effect on living creatures.

    A full scale pole shift - with the south pole changing places with the north pole - would violate the laws of physics. Specifically, it would fly in the face of Newton's Laws, which represent 400 year old technology that forms the basis for all transportation, including automobiles, bicycles, aircraft, ships, spacecraft - as well as virtually every machine on the planet. I wouldn't lose any sleep over that. Anyone who tells you that you should worry about it does not understand basic physics. It cannot and will not happen.

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