
Is polictical correctness ruining our society?

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Lets get a few opions on this. It seems like no one can offend anyone anymore? When did this happen? It seems like our goverment wants us to all be smiling down the street all the time. Have they lost a sense of reality? And if it is ruining our society, is it labour, or all political parties? This question cam to me when i heard the BBC were going to do an episode of Holby City where a Muslim youth blows himself up on a bus, but because of governmental intervention, the muslim youth's character was changed to an animal rights protester (which makes the storyline even more unbelievable than normal Holby City episode).




  1. Political bickering is already no longer good for the society because people tend to be misinformed by the accusations of the different parties attacking each other even without evidence.

  2. Of course it is, what are you g*y? Only a r****d would say it isn't. Oh wait, I am using those forbidden words again. I mean to say that I was talking with my friend of differential skin pigmentation the other day, a friend who lacks a specific appendage that I as a man possess but whom I will not refer to as a woman as that might be regarded as placing her at an unequal standing to myself, and my friend and I agree that being politically correct is retarded, I mean wrong.  

    I am a white male from Vancouver, and sometimes when I go out I am the only white person, and when people ask my friends 'who is david' they say, he is the white guy, and then everybody knows.  Its a fact, I am white.  They don't say the tall guy in jeans and a black shirt.  Acknowledging that we have differences isn't bigotry, its the truth.  Its the opinions we form that matter, not the words we use sometimes.  

    So whether you are a candian indian, first nations person, aboriginal, native canadian, or whatever, it doesn't matter.  I am not insulting you and you are only doing a disservice to yourself and your people to constantly take offense to the way you are referred.  And while I have muslim friends, it is ignorant to ignore that the judao-christian alliance of the US and Israel is at war with the Muslim world in a battle of idealogies.  I mean, how many non-muslim suicide bombers have their been in the last 5 years... I would be surprised if it was more than 1%. Its not racism, its just fact.

  3. I blame Bush & the Christians.

  4. It's becoming more ridiculous every day.  Everyone is in such a hurry to be offended by something.

    Grow up and get a thicker skin, life will be better.

  5. Sure, sometimes we go overboard in trying not to offend people, but in general, I think we sin much more in the other direction.  This site, for example, is full day and night of people insulting each other, calling names, using vile language and showing a complete lack of respect for different opinions.  In the broader world, those who disagree with the government are routinely called traitors and cowards, and debate on almost every important issue is reduced to mud-slinging.  I think the world could use a great deal more of courtesy and efforts not to offend.  It's quite possible to communicate without insults, and infinitely more effective.

  6. political correctness offends me

  7. Man, that happened a long, long time ago.

  8. "I blame Bush & the Christians."

    Which is funny because the ones who preach PC are the least tolerant of different view points. Namely liberals.

    Being PC is about telling lies to make someone feel better. It forces you to be someone you are not. If you are that thinned skinned that you can't stand something, maybe you should not leave your house.

  9. It seems like no one can offend anyone anymore?

    Not true sir.

    I am still capable of offending anyone around me and do so quite often and take some pleasure in it.

  10. Not ruining, already ruined.

  11. No.  PC is ridiculous, inconvenient, and stupid, but it isn't ruining society.  There are sooooo many other things for doing -that-.  Political corruption, corporate greed, rampant bigotry, religious fantacism, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

    The only contribution to the dowfall of society that I would lay at the feet of PC is that it distracts from -real- issues.  The news gets it's fur up about wether a politician used the right vocabulary instead of wether or not his ideas were any good.

  12. It's mildly annoying.  It certainly isn't ruining anything.

  13. I wonder wonder who thought up the term political correctness. We all have the right of free  speech whether we are minorities or the majority. Thats what the constitution is all about. I dont think that hurting people's feelings or disparaging the is ever helpful but people get offended much too easily. It seems that many are just looking for ways to complain about being offended. Its time to get over all this sensitivity. There will never be a time when we all look alike, think alike or have the same wants, needs and beliefs. Differences are good and we should all be able to talk about them and express our honest feelings and opinions.

  14. I hope this does offend people... into waking up, and into action.

    Understand the truth of the matter... we have a one party government with 2 clearly defined factions. It does not matter which of the two factions within the party you support. It no longer matters because the Bildeberg Group controls our government in the interest of pursuing their own agendas. Our government is supposed to be a reflection of We The People, and it should be in support Our agendas. Instead, our government expects us to be a reflection of them, and support their agendas.  

    Does anyone not remember the smokescreen in Florida during the Bush/Gore election? Who is the governor of Florida? and who is their Father?  Or the fact Kerry so graciously 'conceded' his run for office near the end? Bush and Kerry are both members of Skull and Bones... a chapter of the Bildebergs in America. John F. Kennedy Televised his speech about secret societies in America... and was assassinated shortly thereafter.

    The simple fact here is that our votes no longer count and the Electoral College does not represent We The People either (it is also bought and paid for by the Bildeberg Group). It is a clever facade to keep us comfortable in the illusion that we actually have a choice in the matter. The next US President has already been bought and paid for, and I can assure you that person is not on the side of We The People.

    When you consider that several members of our government (like Hillary Clinton and Rick Perry, to name two, and believe me, there are many others) have been witnessed attending Bilderberg meetings in secret with other foreign heads of state (which is considered an act of Treason) it should give us all a strong cause for more than just concern.

    The bottom line here is that our trusted government is a puppet regime guided and controlled the globalist elite. They are manipulating more than just America. They have already engineered and and finalized the European Union, and I can assure you they have no intention of stopping there. Already, our current President has signed documents that effectively Eliminate the United States, and also elminates the most vital aspects of our constitution, and also grants the office of President sole jurisdiction and power. Power to inflict martial law upon the American People among other things. This was done without the consent of Congress. Keep in mind, Prescott Bush, our current President's grandfather aided in funding Adolph Hitler. George Bush, our current president's father asked America on national television to forgive the n**i war criminals.

    These emergency camps that FEMA is building around the country are not for emergencies. These are Interrment Camps (concentration camps) where the Government intends to depopulate the US.

    Has no one noticed all the cameras going up on our Highways and our neighborhood streets? Or that your vehicle tags and inspection stickers now come equipped with RFID Chips? Or that every Legal Immigrant must get a new Green Card issued (one equipped with an RFID Chip).

    Do none of you realize yet that the new drivers licenses and US Passports will also have RFID Chips, as will the "Real ID" when it is passed into law? For that matter, most of us already carry in our wallets bank cards and credit cards that have embeded RFID chips in them. Some Companies now require their employees to have RFID Chips implanted in their bodies (on the hand). I can assure you that these companies are arms of Globalist Elite controlled companies. Who do you think pays Verichip Corporation to do what they are doing?

    If it has a basis in FACT it is not propaganda.

    At this point in time, we all have the choice to be the blind sheep that follow on command and submit to their hypnotism and programming, or We can stop living in fear of losing all we have as individuals and start thinking as a free society with a common interest...protecting our inalienable rights. The thing everyone needs to realize is that if we continue to blindly follow as sheep, we will lose it all anyway.

    Time to Wake Up to the reality of what is truly going on here.

    Fear can be our Strength... or fear can be our weakness.

    When the Grip tightens around Your Family's throats, what will fear be for YOU?

    Watch Zeitgeist the Movie

    watch Endgame by Alex Jones

    both of which can be found on google video and viewed for free.

    then visit and see what is in store for the future of currency and tracking your movements.

  15. Definately starting to get a little irratating.

    First we had to give up the office Christmas party and called it a Holiday Party instead because not everyone celebrates Christmas.

    Then we had to give up the Holiday Party because not everyone celebrates a 'holiday'.  So it was changed to the End of the Year party.

    Then we had to give that up because different people celebrate the end of the year at a different time of year. New Year vs. Fiscal year. How grand.

    Now we just get together sometime in December for no reason at all.  There are no decorations or celebrations.  We just eat some chips & dip & go back to our cubicals.  How sad.

  16. Yes. Stepford society anyone?

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