
Is political correctness to this level really necessary?

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Texas County Official Sees Race in Term 'Black Hole',2933,380143,00.html

I feel this is gioing overboard but I'm not the one who complained.

I have friends in back east in KY and they no longer wish to be called Hillbillys, they want to be called Appalachian Americans.




  1. stupidity at it's finest.

    I love the hillbilly

  2. I  am in the Dallas Fort Worth area.

    John Wiley Price, who made such a stink about this, is always accusing people of being bigots for the most rediculous reasons.

    One thing that bothers me is that many are responding to this with comments like "now that there isn't bigotry any more, they have to make stuff up."

    There IS bigotry alive & well in America! And doofus's like Price end up being like 'the boy who cried wolf.' The more guys like him scream 'racism' at the drop of a hat, the more people ignore accusations of racism! And, naturally, the would weaken our ability to end racism where it still exists!

  3. This is absolutley INSANE!  Everyone involved should get slapped in the face with a REALITY club!  This bullsh*& is the reason America is going to h**l in a handbasket!  These people are so stupid it makes me literally sick!

  4. Political Correctness is a way for people to feel they have some control over what is said to them or over the airwaves. It's about control. When you have little or no control, political correctness feels good.

    Just like all of a sudden, people are "offended" by this or that remark. It's a way for control freaks to tell someone to shut up without looking dumb.

    "Sticks and stones..." should be revived. Freedom of speech should really mean that, not of SOME speech but all speech. Of course, maybe the ones who came up with Freedom of speech might have meant THEIR speech only... it seems, anyway.

  5. That's just ridiculous.  It's just people trying to get in the spot-light.  Everyone and I mean EVERYONE knows what the term "black hole" is reference to.  I also read the part in there about the angel and devil food cake.  It's freaking food, that's it.  It reminds me of a time I was in the chow line with a black friend of mine and as a joke he said "Why do they have to be BLACK eyed peas."  And the "black sheep" thing.  A black sheep is the odd one out, it's the way of nature and being the black sheep of the family doesn't mean that you're "bad" as he stated but just means you're different.  This c**p is getting ridiculous.

  6. The whole thing of 'political correctness' is BS. It's been way overboard for a long time.

  7. Unless you have lived in Dallas you would miss the back story on this and be off base.

    The black commissioner who originally called foul on the use of the term "black hole" is John Wiley Price.  Compared to Price, O'Reilly is a wallflower and rational human being.  Price looks to create racial tension within the city and surrounding suburbs between the black south and white north.  Guess who pockets the cash when the north and south are at each others throats?

    Price is a cancer in Dallas; the only thing you can to do keep him from hurting the city is ignore him.

  8. Dear Some Guy

    Ever since the p-c movement, I feel there is more hate in this country than ever.  P-C is sheer stupidity and insulting to intelligence.  I dont believe in nasty hateful labels, but anyone who wants to be really politically  correct can call me an Irish-English-German-Native American-Italian American.

    Sure would be cumbersome.

    The insanity needs to be stopped.


    Mother Earth

  9. "Political Correctness" is the political correct way to say "Censorship"

  10. Political correctness will be the downfall of this nation

    If you are too thin skinned to handle mere words then you are never going to make it in the real world.

    Political correctness is nothing more than censorship and a violation of free speech

  11. They're all racist terms, says a Dallas County, Texas, official.

    A county commissioners' meeting this week over traffic tickets turned into a tense discussion over race when one commissioner said the county's collections office was like a certain astronomical phenomenon.

    "It sounds like Central Collections has become a black hole," Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said during the Monday meeting.

    That's from the posted link. What a lot of bigoted people do these days is to word things ambiguously enough so that they can be racist/homophobic/what have you, but when called on it, can claim ignorance.

    I'm reminded of Glenn Beck, who on CNN (yes, CNN, those liberal Commie terrorists!), claimed that "you don't have a right not to be offended in this country". He then went on to say "just lay off religion"...I think it was sometime during the annual Commie Liberal Jihad Against Christmas last year. "Anti-PC" people can be pretty hypocritical.

  12. There was a direct correlation between political correctness and the downfall of the Roman empire. The empire became so diverse, no one could say anything without insulting someone else...and that is when things began to fall apart.

  13. Yes I can see the word 'BLACK' being taken out of the English dictionary, it's too dangerous a word, and there'll be plenty more as this silliness progresses.

  14. Obviously, the two gentlemen didn't do too well in school, as they are oblivious to the meaning of a black hole.  How that phrase is in any way racist on any terms is well beyond me, that's for sure.

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