
Is politics a pure waste of time to follow?

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I have not seen much come out of any political candidate. You can vote for your favorite candidate, but your life probably still remains same or worsens. Same holds if the opponent is elected. Then why follow politics as if its most important thing in the world?




  1. Yes and no.  It is like a soap opera in a lot of respects.

    You should pay attention locally and vote that way.

    In the short term, it may not make much difference in your life, but slowly in the long term the impact is enormous!

    Higher taxes and losses of freedom are the ultimate price we pay if we do not pay attention.

  2. shame on you. you should be getting involved! dont believe anything that the media says. this is your freedom that we are talking about. dont you understand that?!?! if obama gets in then we are all doomed!  seriously, WAKE UP! every vote makes a difference.  

  3. No, there are two types of people; those that know they are in politics and  and those that don't know that they are in politics. Which type are you?

  4. Because we have been fully indoctrinated into thinking that our individual votes actually count for something.

    Other than that it's just fun to let others know that we are right and they are wrong. Of couse it works both ways.

  5. What is politics ? And What is time? Politics is not only giving votes, asking for votes and holding some kind of profession. Politics means the King of all kind of policies. So it is not the mean of wasting time. But I agree that some so called politician are really wasting the time. And that is not a politics. They are only doing there Professional business not the service for human and the society.

  6. To be honest, the sun will come out no matter which candidate wins.  

  7. I don't agree with that at all...

    You can't say anything about Politics if you are only watching the mainstream media and not taking the time to dig a little deeper.

    John McCain and Barack Obama represent two polar opposite forces in this world...

    These two ideologies are like Yin and Yang... part of all of us, yet very different when isolated and given power.

    Which one of them is our "leader" makes a difference...

    But even if you're not into the Presidential thing - you should vote locally.

  8. No it's not.  If you don't like what you are being served, vote them out.

    This is the worst Congress in history.  Vote them ALL out ASAP.  Run for office yourself. Everyone has to start somewhere.  Nobody is born in public office.  Even the Kennedy's had to run to get elected.  

  9. Your vote may not make any difference in your quality of life - but you can't know that. Politics are not the most important thing in the world; there's your family, your dog or cat, your friends, a whole host of more important things. But following the issues, and voting the issues, are the only way to make yourself heard. Voting also allows one the right to kvetch and complain for the next four years, regardless of the outcome.

    "Reality" TV and "professional" wrestling are more of a waste of time than politics.  

  10. Usually. Thomas Jefferson himself once said that "pure minds are not attracted to power". However, if we all completely ignore who is running our country, chances are we will lose the civil rights that Jefferson fought for.

    But I looove watching "The West Wing", so go figure.

  11. Fact is long as there are conservatives, life in America will not be great.

  12. Run for public office.  

  13. Paul Weyrich, father of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn’t want people to vote. That’s why the GOP is obsessed with voter fraud (the TRUE problem is ELECTION FRAUD)—only they want to disenfranchise voters because as Weyrich said back in the ’80’s…the more voters there are—the less of a chance the wingers have in any election.

    Paul Weyrich: “Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good government. They want everybody to vote. I don’t want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” — President Abraham Lincoln

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