
Is p**n really good for you?

by Semione Abi  |  9 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Adult Film, Amateur Erotica

 Tags: porn



  1. Semione Abi

    p**n is neither good nor bad, it’s just like salt. When applied wisely, it can enhance your experience. But it depends on what your purpose of watching it is for. Some watch it to jerk off and just get on with their day, without feeling emotionally attached to it, while some watch it because they feel they don’t get laid like their friend do, hence their only option is to do it and then feel bad even more after jerking off. They start wondering why they are not like the guy they just watched, and why they always have to feel bad after watching it.

    If you do it to jerk off and move on, then you’re doing it for your own good but if you’re doing it for the latter, then it's not p**n. It's you. Fix yourself through some introspection, self-discovery or therapy and stop blaming objective external factors because you misuse them.

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Semione Abi


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