
Is positive thinking a way of motivating yourself to work?

by Guest63031  |  earlier

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I don't believe in the "law of attraction." There isn't really any metaphysical attractive energy force phenomenon occurring during a positive thought as far as I can tell. However, I do know that thoughts are tangible things because scientists have been able to plant electrodes in animal's brains to allow, say a monkey, to control a robotic arm with its thoughts. Since our actions affect reality more than our thoughts, do our thoughts influence our actions? If so, how much? Does positive thinking make you want to take action more than negative thinking? Could perhaps negative thinking motivate you to work hard more than positive or contented thinking? Is it even possible to motivate yourself, or do all sources of an individual's motivation come from their environment?

Just let me know what you think.




  1. I feel positive thinking is very important to your emotional well being and your happiness. Read  Norman Vincent Peals book "the power of positive thinking." People are also attracted to positive people. Negative thoughts  accomplish nothing and just snowball into more negativity. If you only see the bad things in people or in your environment you will push people away.  Very good question, good luck.

  2. I liked Donna's answer. My answere would be very similar to her answer.

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