
Is possible to take the early mornnig train from Firenze to catch a 10am flight in Rome?

by Guest61793  |  earlier

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Because I don't really want to spend a night in Rome.




  1. nope, dont do it. its catching it too close. like the previous poster said, you still have to catch the train from the trainstation to leonardo da vinci, which is like a half hour to 40 minutes....and you have to take into account the train might be a few minutes early or a few minutes late. and you still have to check in at the airport, which can be another nitemare. i had to do the same thing last summer. my flight left at 10 am...and left my hostel the nite before, caught the last train and just crashed in the airport then got to my gate at like 8:45. so yea, dont risk it.

  2. The earliest train from Florence to Rome is at 5:50 am arriving in Rome at 8:24. You would still have to take the Leonardo express to the airport. There's one at 8:52 am that gets to the airport at 9:23 am. That isn't enough time to check in, get through security and get to the gate.

    You can check the schedules yourself at:

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