
Is pot really bad for you?

by  |  earlier

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pros and cons.




  1. the only pro is short-termed and it is that it is a good way to relieve stress and relax.

    now the cons are many: so yes it really is bad for you. it does damage your brain cells (read this in a medical review), and it also causes cancer. + all the cons that come from smoking tripled.

    if i were you, i'd try it maybe once just to know what it's like then leave it. you don't wanna damage your body.

    it isn't true that marijuana isn't addictive nor is it true that tobacco is worse. think about it, nobody is that stupid, so they wouldn't let people smoke cigs and make pot illegal.

    after all marijuana is a drug.

  2. Pot does cause problems because you inhale the smoke from it, which isn't good for you or your lungs. Don't use it. Other people make it out to seem so good, but it becomes a habit and it's illegal. Don't bother.

  3. It can cost your your job and your dreams.

    It is the gateway to drug addiction. How may people die from drug overdoses? How many people are dirt poor because of their choices in life? All natural they say, that does not mean it contains no chemicals. Opium and heroin are derived from poppies.

    Talk to a long time drug user sometime and it will not take long to realize most are not normal. I know one now dying from a brain tumor. He will not be a statistic on weed use because nobody knows or cares.

  4. pros it makes you feel good stress relief

    cons you can get in trouble with it most jobs drug test you before you get one. it cost money. more harmful then a cigarette with alot of the chemicals in it but other then that your good to go  

  5. duhhhhh there isnt anythiing good bout it

  6. Enough cons to outweigh the pros.


    -Broken relationships (how do you stay together with someone who doesn't smoke? - Doesn't work when I've seen it)

    -It is not a healthy habit (contrary to those who believe what they want to believe) - you wouldn't give weed to your two-year-old

    -Stress at work ("When's the next drug test?" going around in your head - finally you are busted and where to from there?)

    Finally, I don't care that weed is natural - so is poisonous snake venom - we don't drink that 'cause it's natural.

  7. no it is not.


    - not addictive

    - natural

    - does not make one mean, aggressive, or black out and do stupid things ( like alcohol can)


    - none

  8. No, actually it's not.

    My friend's dad has been smoking for 30+ years and has no health problems.

    Pros- You can relax, if you have trouble sleeping it will help, if you have an eating disorder you can eat, they are also using it to treat certain illnesses nowadays too.

    Cons- sometimes you get lazy :P

    Honestly, it grows.. just like flowers, or trees do.. OBVIOUSLY God wanted it here for people to enjoy. It doesn't have chemicals like cocaine, or meth, or anything like that.

    and you physically CANNOT die from smoking pot. No matter how much you smoke, you won't die. And it doesn't kill your brain cells, that's just a myth stupid people started becaue they don't know anything about it. It's not addictive at all, and people may say that it's a gateway drug.. but it's really not.

    People should learn the facts first before they tell other people their opinions on it.

    And it decreases the symptoms of anxiety and depression. People are so quick to judge weed as a 'horrible drug' but it's not a drug.

  9. As bad as asprin unless you fail a drug test.

  10. if you smoke it like once or twice a year then i doubt that they'll be much of an effect but yes if you smoke it regularly then it kills your brain cells and could cause cancer.  

  11. Marijuana isn't addictive, marijuana is less bad then tobacco yet it's illegal, and tobacco is addictive and legal.

    But if I were to try it I would wait til im 18.

    There's a hoole story behind marijuana and why its illegal.

    visit this website.

    and oh it doesn't kill your brain cells thats just a myth.

    the only downer is that it can cause cancer but thats what people have been telling me and I don't even know if that's true so much people have lied about pot. but tobacco causes cancer and they're worse cause they're addictive and they're legal.

  12. pros-

        * Enhancement of many other drug effects such as alcohol,

        * Auditory or visual hallucinations

        * Increased appetite

        * Induced sense of novelty

        * Increased sexual pleasure

        * Increased sensations

        * Increased awareness of patterns and colors

        * Respect for music and other arts

        * Increased mental activity

        * Meditative states of mind

        * Gain or loss of some inhibitions

        * Varying degree of euphoria

        * Relaxation or stress reduction

        *It is generally considered impossible to achieve a lethal overdose   by smoking cannabis.



        * Mild tachycardia

        * Mild, temporary dry mouth

        * Varying amounts of paranoia and anxiety in some users

        * Impairment of the short-term memory in some users

  13. depends on how old you are....17 and under then yes you need to be focused on school but if u are 18 or older and can handle your business and pay for your own habits then have at it

  14. innocent people die daily just so it can be smuggled into the U.S. for you to buy, it can cause anxiety, and depression.

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