
Is pot really bad?

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Is smoking pot really bad 4 u?

like i heard it is but is it really?




  1. ALL drugs are, no matter what people tell you, they're not illegal for no reason!!  Try not to give into peer pressure!!!  Just SAY NO

    I don't care what these other people makes you paranoid, forget things and a bunch of other things, plus some people lace it with other drugs, i really don't recommend it.  I don't know ur age but please don't take the advice of DRUG users!!!

    Judge you know what you can kiss!!!  If you haven't heard WEED is a gateway drug, so you can call me ignorant all you want, but coming from a CRACK HEAD it really doesn't matter!!

    Plus I am entitled to my own opinion!!!

  2. it's not as addictive or bad as other drugs.

    but it's worse then smoking and definitley not good.

  3. yes it can lead to mental illness in long term

  4. i believe that everything is ok in moderation... if you smoke once and a while its ok but doing it to much is not the best. I smoke quite often and im still fine. I dont forget things, i havn't dropped grades ever and i love teh feeling.. dont listen to that bull s**+* people give you.

  5. No marijuana should be legalized...

    -its not a drug its just nature

    -money is being wasted by it being illegal

    -money is being spent catching stoner while it could be spent and more focused on catching vandals, gangsters, major drug dealer(cocaine, crack etc.)

    -Has countless AND scientifically proven medical uses and benefits

    -Also proven to be much healthier than Over/Behind the counter medications, Tobacco, Alchohol etc.

    -Your in complete control (if not more) when stoned...unlike REAL drugs

    Anti-marijuana people i talk to never have any facts to support why there against it...or atleast facts that have no relevence to the subject at all. Its just that theyve been raised and have been taught the stereotype by surrounding people or non-sense government propoganda that Marijuana is a harmful and addictive Drug.DONT give in to that and dont be another American Zombie following and supporting the bad decisions our government makes. Why do you think that drugs that people get legally and perscriptions people over dose in the thousand EACH year(AND THERE LEGAL!!) But MArijuana where NO ONE has ever overdosed or died from is ILLEGAL!!!!! Its all a conspiracy and anyone with there right non-ignorant mind should clearly see those facts as the truth. Deadly things are Legal, while Nature is Illegal...Makes me sad to be an American sometimes...

  6. I'm sure that, like cigarettes, the inhalation of ANY kind of burning substance is not all that healthy for your lungs, but other than that, I truly don't believe any of the propaganda that portrays marijuana as some horrid demonic force.  I personally don't care for the stuff.  It makes me paranoid, introverted, and prone to panic attacks, but then again, I'm just a weirdo.  I prefer a few glasses of Merlot when I want to unwind.  Most of my friends and some of my family members (including my father) are recreational smokers and they enjoy the relaxation it provides them.  I think pot should be legalized, but we all know that will never happen.  The government likes to treat its citizens like wayward children that aren't capable of making educated decisions.  Personally, I'd rather be around a pothead than an alcoholic any day of the week.  My good friend has major issues with panic attacks, so he smokes pot daily.  It works wonders for him and he doesn't have to rely on the sleazy FDA to provide him with deadly, but profitable mind concoctions.  If you're going use marijuana, just be safe about it.  Don't drive or operate machinery.  (Duh.)  And remember that there is always the danger of buying stuff that's been laced, so if you're lucky enough to have access to any homegrown, organic buds, opt for those instead.  This website can give you further, unbiased information:

  7. Its not that bad...

    there's much worse out there... like meth and heroin.. now thats bad.

  8. its really not a big deal at all, if you smoke pot for like 20 years or more, like in moderation its not bad... but dont let it become a gateway drug, where you want to use harder drugs

  9. No ****** DUH!

  10. Well it it not healthy for you 1 bit

  11. Well depends.

    If you use it for medical my personal opinion, no.

    If you use it for recreation my personal opinion, it can be.

    Like with any thing we do, depends on how much you do and how often are you doing it.

    Abuse is the biggest killer.

    But this is all in my opinion on this subject.  I am not an expert on this matter, and nor am I claiming that I am.  I am just giving you my opinion on this subject, Kiddo.

  12. Scorpio is an ignorant twit ..ignore her. Weed is a plant not a drug . Just because the government and their DARE program wants to lie and lable marijuana a drug doesnt make it a fact. Its propaganda. A plant is not a drug , though some drugs may be derived from plants they must go through chemical processing to become a drug and there for are dangerous . Your bady isnt made to assimulate man made chemicals

  13. The best thing to do is research and find out if it is bad for you.  You will be surprised as you get into your research.  Don't believe anything anyone else says.....go find the answer yourself.  To answer your question...NO, it's not bad for you.  It can only helped if not abused.  Drug use and Drug abuse are two different concepts.  If you set around and smoke blunt after blunt.....well that's stupid.  You're abusing the drug(medicine).   If you use it in small amounts, it could help you in so many different ways.  I am not promoting using pot...I just want the truth to be told. We've been lied to about the use of pot for the last 60 to 70 years.  Propaganda(which the government continues to spread) works if you have to power to spread it.  Good luck on your research.

  14. Its bad for you lungs, using a bong or a vaporizer well minimize the damage. It certainly won't make you smarter but I smoke several times a day and I have a 3.8 gpa and I am an actuarial mathematics major. The **** you see on tv or hear on dare is absolute bullshit. Drinking is bad for you smoking pot or taking shrooms or lsd isn't really bad at all!

  15. the effects are quite nice, but smoking anything is not a good idea.

    you can eat it too but it can be much stronger and is slower to act that way.

    I don't think its bad for you, I actually think its good for you in some ways, it used to be a legal medicine not so long ago.

  16. Forgive me for sounding like a hippie but I don’t think it’s possible for it to be bad. Pot is part of nature and nature just is. Is it bad for you is another question and no one can answer that one but you. If you are someone suffering from nausea due to chemo and pot gives you relief from your illness and causes no substantial negative effects, it is not bad for you. If you are very vested in obeying the law no matter what, then the sale, use or possession of pot is bad for certainly bad you. For brevity’s sake, I’ll skip the rest of the world of possibilities here and tell you how I know that it’s bad for me. When I first smoked pot early in high school, I felt transformed from the shy, frightened and self-hating person that I was. It helped me to relax and really enjoy myself in a way I had never experienced. That made me want more. I obliged my desire and smoked it as often as possible. I found that nothing was better before listening to music, watching a movie, sitting around with friends, eating wonderful things or looking at the stars. Soon enough, I found that pot could make anything better. Driving to school? Absolutely better! Eating dinner with my family? No doubt! Going to sleep? Waking up? You guessed it! How would it be to spend as much as possible of every single day as high as a kite? Better than anything at all.

    I kept at it despite all complicating factors for years. I was not surprised to find that I could do my job just fine when I was stoned. When I met people I liked but they didn’t spend their time wasted, I knew I was better off with my own kind. When things went by the wayside with them, I was fine by myself, thanks. (Even my fellow potheads thought I overdid it). Enjoying your own company is good for you. I could not, however, enjoy myself when I wasn’t high. All I did then was think about it, look for it or drink. I found myself not even seeking the company of others. They would either postpone my being able to smoke or worse, they would smoke up my supply. Still, other than occasionally fearing a drug test at work or my neighbors calling the police or getting caught selling it (just to pay for my own)—I was fine. Mostly calm, creative, able to see the beauty in the world all around me. Since I was able to cope with just a couple of puffs, I just needed me and my reefer. After literally years of this, that was all I had. I didn’t know how to feel ok without it. I certainly hadn’t accomplished any goals as far as work or education were concerned. I had no goals. Or friends. I didn’t know how to deal with anyone including myself. I felt pathetic, despairing and hopeless. Right back where I’d started from in high school.

    When I realized that my beloved reefer had become the cure that was worse than the disease, I gave it up. In time, I was able to at least try to have people in my life since they didn’t get in the way of getting home to get high. I had to learn to relax, change the negative patterns of my thoughts on my own, enjoy the pleasures in the world without having them chemically amplified. It worked just fine. In time, I’ve even been able to fix some of the problems that I would attribute to being a pothead. I don’t have this secret that I have to protect. I am able to let people in to my life and home. I am even able to work on things that take years to prove gratifying, like finishing college.

    Despite the fact that I thought I was all better, I learned once or even twice that if it were around me again, I would be back to my old tricks in no time. How long did this entire set of lessons take me to figure out? Something like twenty years. So if you’ve made it to the end of this and don’t have twenty years to figure out if it’s bad for you, I’ve got a simpler approach. Try it and if you can take it or leave it, do so as seems appropriate. If you try it and it seems like finally, you’ve found something that fills that hole deep inside you, never smoke it again.

  17. smoking in general is bad for anyone. People can be diagnosed with lung cancer from smoking. Getting high is really nice. It's not the worst thing you can do to your body, but it isn't all that great for it either. It should only be an occassional thing. And shouldn't be abused. That's probably why it is illegal. Some people are prescribed medical marijuana for anxiety problems so there is some good that comes out of using it. There are other ways to use weed to get high with out smoking it, such as eating it: hash-brownies


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