
Is precooking turkey burgers a good idea?

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i am having a bbq on sunday and I want to make turkey burgers, and I don't want them to stick to the grill, plus I'm leary of undercooking... has anyone done that before and did they taste good still if you throw them on the grill just to get them warm? or did they dry up? dumb question I know, just throwin' it out there ;)




  1. Ground turkey is very lean. No Fat, no flavor and very dry. To moisten the meat, add 1/4 cup of olive oil for every pound of meat before making into patties. Cook like normal.

    Other recipes include adding chopped onion,Worcestershire sauce, A-1 and even BBQ sauce.

    Jenny-O has the best ground turkey, no worries about contamination there.

  2. Pre cooking the turkey burgers will result in dry dry dry burgers.

    Don't worry about under cooking the burgers. You can purchase a meat thermometer. Cook burgers to 180 F. or you can use a fork a pierce the burgers. When the juices run clear the burgers are done.

    chef robert

    culinary instructor

    author of chef robert presents romantic dinners for two

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