
*****Is pregnancy considered a 'pre-existing' condition to health insurance agencies? HELP! NEED ANSWERES!?

by Guest57180  |  earlier

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We plan to marry so the baby and I can get covered, I just found out last week and dont have an Dr. Appt until the end of Sept. Would it be considered pre existing if we wait til after the Dr. appt to get married or would we need to do that right away?




  1. If it's an individual policy, yes.  If it's a group policy, no.  

    If you're already pregnant, you won't be able to get an individual policy.  You're uninsurable, on an individual policy, until after the baby is born.

  2. If it’s your fiance’s insurance that you’d be added to, he should check with his HR department before you do anything.  They can tell you if their company insurance would allow you to be added if you get married.  If that’s the case, get married ASAP so your coverage is in place before you visit the doctor. Some doc’s offices are not kind if you show up uninsured.

    If his insurance won’t allow you to be added, you should check your eligibility with your state’s Medicaid program. The income requirements are usually pretty low and if you have to go this route, it may well work out that you’ll have to wait until after the baby arrives to get married so you can remain eligible.

    Free market insurance (i.e. what you buy on your own) will consider this a preexisting condition. My best friend just went though a bunch of drama with this when she tried to get insured after she got pregnant.  

  3. As far as my knowledge,this is a question with various answers,it is really depending on the mind of yourself,providing a great resource here for reference though.http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

  4. If you are getting group coverage federal law prohibits pregnancy being considered a preexisting condition. That doesn't necessarily mean that your group plan will cover maternity. Your marital status doesn't matter unless you need to be married to get group insurance on through your husbands employer.

    If you are looking for individual health insurance, you are already pregnant so it is a preexisting condition, and it is going to be very difficult to obtain. Individual health insurance usually doesn't cover maternity anyway.

    Good luck.


  5. The doctor's appointment has nothing to do with it.  You're pregnant so that's a pre-existing condition.

    What you need to find out is if pre-exisitng condtions will be covered under the plan you're going on.

  6. Pregnancy is not considered a preexisting condition on group insurance and getting married should qualify you for open enrollment on his group insurance as a qualifying event.  If it is group insurance, you should be ok.  If it is not group, or they choose not to add you, you can not be covered on an individual policy.  To be sure, have him check with his HR dept.

  7. It really does not matter if u get married now or later for health insurance u can still add your fiance on your insurance either way. No pregnance is not a pre-existing health condiation.

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