
Is pregnancy of a candidates unwed child now al litmus test for the left?

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They are all over VP Palin about this.




  1. As one who identifies as being "on the left", I really don't care about Palin's child being pregnant.

    That being said, if a party is going to run under the guise of "moral values", perhaps they should be prepared to be scrutinized.  Thinking otherwise is a bit naive, wouldn't you say?

  2. False. We are 'all over' Sarah Palin's beliefs and goals for reproductive choices. We are 'all over' Sarah Palin's desire that we push the women's movement back 50 years. We are 'all over' Palin being anywhere near the presidency with her radical views. Bristol has nothing to do with it.

  3. No.

  4. First off

    We KNOW how YOU folks would react if Chelsea Clinton got pregnant

    "its because her parents are immoral" would be the whine

    We find it quite ironical that your party

    talks about inexperience then wants to elect a mayor of 4900 and one time governor who doesn't even want to be part of USA !!!

    talks about how immoral liberals are for allowing their daughters to get pregnant instead of teaching them ABSTINANCE ONLY

    talks about liberal pork in the budget and wants a governor that got millions for her town of 4900


    especially how John (low life) McCain can tell unsavory Chelsea jokes while being taped and its way off limits to mention this pregnancy

  5. No.  Actually, you're all over Palin about this.  Next question please.

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