
Is premarital s*x legal in India?

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     Guys I'm 19 years old guy living in Kerala(Cochin) and I had s*x with my girlfriend many times.infact we have protected s*x every week.As long as she is okay with it(She likes it actually,now you pathetic narrow minded creeps don't call her a s**t,that's what most Indians are) and what's the problem with the ones living in India?Atleast I'm living in a beautiful state where there is freedom of speech.No one will ask me "Why you fucked her before marriage" if someone ask me I have counter answer for them,they are so easy!...

    Guest23125834 I loved what this guy said

  2. Honestly speaking, I am a boy and I am not a gender extremity.

    If divorce rate will increase, then it will be not a great achievement in freedom. It will spoil the stability of family. India couples want to stay stable. India has the rich heritage compared to others. But unfortunately due to many ignorant people, women were tortured heavily in the country earlier. Many ancient great kings like Raja Rammohan Roy reduced this, and now in our democratic government, women are given many extra rights, but still many womens are misbehaved. I have also heard many cases. But if we enjoy taking divorces and keep on changing life partners like western countries, thenwe have killed our culture and self respect forever.Wife always respect their husbands, but many husbands dont do. Its their duty to respect them. My father and mother live happily and love eachother. A good India can be build from a good family, not by divorce record list.

    Another thing, every body says government is corrupt, government dont do anything etc. If honestly think, is any government rule is bad, polices are bad etc?? How much we obey those rules?? Do we obey traffic rules.(Helmets, Seat bets etc.)?.Do everybody gives proper tax? No.

    If we think that we think better than our government,  then why dont we enter into poilitics and purify our goverment? If we can't, then we have no right to criticize.

    Government rules are many for women freedom, but why don't husband follow them? Why there is no rule to punish those husbands????? Is it justice???

    Two different genders of nature are for finding a right pair and unite with love and peace, not to fight with each other for supremity.

    So at the end, I can say that premarital s*x is not bad, if the boy and girl really love each other and do with proper protection and keep secret. No body has right to interfere with private matter. Main thing is that they should live happy forever.

  3. @ Guest20852629

    divorse rate in india is very less in india bcoz women are not independent[ both financially and mentally]

    but gals in india are brought up with a supressed character ( not atleast in cities)......they don know how to react even if husband tortures.....

    once indian gals become independent...our divorce rate will also increase....bcoz most of indian men have lots of attitude ...even though they r big zeros.....


    india's condition today is only bcoz of us.....we  r ready to put othrs in trouble for our own benifit....if not y do ppl as for bribe ...or hoard eatables or sell expired products and banned drugs...we are too much money oriented....and pretend to be angels.....

    there are lot of good ppl in india...but are being supressed ...

    we are busy thinking whats happening in others house rather than developing our own house....if some guy or gal moves around together or have pre marital s*x ...or kissin public place ...what disturbance is that gonna make to others....


    is it bcoz u r jealous u r not able to do what others can do?.....peeping into others matters is the only thing we indians are good at......

    y do indians supress their fellings and live a frustrated life... living scared of society.....even getting married only for society/...not on their own will

  4. @ Guest20852629

    divorse rate in india is very less in india bcoz women are not independent[ both financially and mentally]

    but gals in india are brought up with a supressed character ( not atleast in cities)......they don know how to react even if husband tortures.....

    once indian gals become independent...our divorce rate will also increase....bcoz most of indian men have lots of attitude ...even though they r big zeros

  5. i really dont understand the point in debate!

    Supreme court of the Republic of India, the Apex Court gave a ruling that its not wrong in prematal s*x unless, the girl is not major or is not of her free will, We are moving into international standards so as to keep ourselves updated with the knowledge, technology, resources...

    if you are not of that opinion then why the bloddy h**l did you are wearing pants with zips, you could have used the earlier cultural style of Dhoti or Pyjama troubles!!!!

    itz because you found convinience in it! when you are clear at mnd and passonate to have something, just have it. i read somewhre that Surpressed desires are far dangerous than any cancer. itz not that you should be against your will.if your heart say that itz wrong then leave it.atleast you'll have a satisfaction that this happened in my wish!

    never bring the culture and s**t in deciding what you wish to. it should be your shame and thoughts that should guide not any mere law. and ofcourse not everything is to be mentioned illegal!!!

  6. Guest20852629, I think you're an a*****e. The poverty state in India is due to the curroption of this indian government. Have you ever been to south bombay and seen its state? you will never find a place in mumbai that is so discipline and clean. And that is because the british worked their magic in that part of mumbai. You're talking so highly of india if it is one of the best places to live in. I ask you to look around and tell me one good thing about this land. It has been 62 years after we have got our independence. If the British did ruin our country, I think the time between our independence and now should be enough to undo the damage, don't you think?

  7. No it is not illegal but why is is necessary to have s*x before you marry? if you wanna live together, if you are intimate enough to have s*x, why not just get married first? GOSH!! and then the chick gets pregnant and you go off trying to find some doctor to kill of the baby! Bloody h**l what has this bloody wold got to? and you up there, Mr. Guest10138325...what the h**l is wrong with you? whats your bloody problem with india huh? u think your all top s**t, and where you from? what do you know about india huh? who do you think you are? FYI it is not illegal to kiss your wife in the open, but why do you need to do it in the open anyway? thats what the house and the bedroom are for kid. you don't need to show off your emotions in public, its called showing respect to those around you, not like in the western countries, where they go around showing off their girlfriend or boyfriend, then they go home and pull each others hair out and break up after four days. whats the point of showing of a relationship thats not even going to last? at least 95% of all indian relationships last forever, unlike western marriages, whats the divorce rate? higher then the marriage rate. is that what you call, a good relationship? people like you are the ones that give india a bad name and then others start believing you and think that india's a s**t hole when in fact there is a whole lot more good things about india then there is bad. Did you know that the india you see today is the result of the bloody british rule? before the british came and invaded india, india was like gold, no poverty, no beggars, no starvation and definitely NO poor health. so DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT INDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. This is from that Blog! Spot the dot !

  9. Its not illegal, but the society would castrate you if they catch you with pants down.. Its such a stupid place to be romancing around. Its illegal to kiss your wife in the open you know !! NO body in the country gets to have s*x unless and until they tie the knot.

    The cops would always be on the look out for young couple renting rooms in hotels so that they could lock them up for illicit exposure or even prostitution which ever they fancy. These guys will lock you up literally if you are having s*x.. Indians just wont take it ....after all why would you let somebody else get what you cant have... hi hi

    Even p**n in this country is illegal. Can you believe that ? yea you can watch bootlegged US stuff but you cant show it to any body else. g*y s*x was illegal till some time back.

    In short, all Indians are virgins. at least the unmarried ones. The government treats the people like donkeys, and the culture makes sure that the donkeys remain s*x starved and use no contraceptives this way the population is always up there. If a few conk out due to starvation or poor health facilities or lets say rail accidents or any one of the major festivals , there still would be a lot to make up for it.

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