
Is preschool the most important learning experience in a child's life?

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I am writing a research paper on this topic and i was just wondering how important people think preeschool is.




  1. Preschool is optional. In my case my kids don't go and most likely won't. I don't see the need for a SAHM to use preschools or daycares when it is specifically there job to raise and teach their children.

    I think that if preschool was so important that it would not be an optional program, but a required one.

    Preschool doesn't really do as much as people try to make you believe. you can take the stories of kids getting straight A's in school after being in preschool, but not all cases turn out that way. I made straight A's and never went to preschool. I know people who went to preschool and got c's and D's. It depends on more than whether or not the child was sent to preschool.

    You can teach your child more than a preschool does. Sure they may get more social interaction at a preschool, but as long as your kids get the chance to play with others means they aren't missing out on much.

    In shorter terms: Preschool=Over rated

  2. I remember watching public television on the development of the human brain.  The conclusion presented was that preschool was not necessary.

    I didn't go to preschool, my children didn't go to preschool. One of them is an A and B student and the other is a straight A student and GATE (gifted program).

    I think its really an individual choice, but I don't think it has any bearing on future education for the long haul if they have lots of human interaction like parents and play dates.

    If the child's parent can't be there for work reasons, then I would say "yes" - preschool is important.

  3. The most important part of attending pre-school is that children learn to socialize appropriately.  Yes if it's a good pre-school they learn their ABC's and counting too.  I am a Kindergarten special ed teacher and I will tell you that you can certainly tell which children went and which didn't.  Being able to listen, be focused, and socially get along with others prepares them to learn more efficiently.  Certainly there are parents out there who have the luxury of being stay at home parents and can teach their children to count and do the ABC's and write letters and numbers.  But when most parents must work, or maybe don't quite know how to teach their own children, or don't have a friend base so that their child socializes three times a week, then pre-school is the way to go.

  4. It's certainly important but I dont know about the most important learning experience in a child's life. I took all of my children to Preschool Parent Education and they all got something valuable from the experience. I am reminded that my oldest seemed to be in agony most of the time. She never bonded with any of the other children and would sit apart from them when it came to singing songs. Later on-she wrote an essay saying that her days in preschool were the best times in her life. Go figure.

  5. Yes, I believe it is very important. If we can impact a child from a younger age then a better chance they will have to succeed.

  6. It is important, but so is the fetal period, the socialization with the family before school, kindergarten, etc...

  7. No.  The most important learning experience in a child's life is what they learn from their parents/care givers.  These are the things that shape what kind of person this child will be in life.  Although pre-school is important, I certainly don't think it's the most important learning experience in a child's life.

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