
Is prescription-only mood-altering medicine such a good idea ?

by  |  earlier

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To obtain a prescription wouldn't a person need to appear distressed ? I a person was upbeat, wouldn't they be refused a prescription, because of not appearing to need the nedicine ? So isn't there a little too much of mind games even in just obtaining a prescription. I can't see how this is healthy.




  1. Dear Super,

                          It is not necessary to look distressed to get a prescription. It is the Doctor who diagnoses a person and prescribes the relevant medicine. Though the medicine prescribed is the natural way of initiating in a person the mood to get well. It is like going to a Father and telling him Your sins and then getting relieved of your burden.

  2. Obviously you have never had a debilitating disorder such as depression. Depression for example is about the mind and the chemicals in our brains. It is not something that people can fake or just pretend to not have.  Why dont you do some research before you come on here and start sprouting rubbish. Then if you actually have some idea of what you are talking about people can give you serious answers.

  3. You need the doctor first, and he can figure out the prescription.  Perhaps he won't be as confused. I got no idea.


  4. There is nothing healthy about mood altering medication no matter the source.  All such medicine works on the chemistry in the brain.  Mine is already way too messed up to mess with it any further.  I haven't met many people who's brain can handle such a change.  I was given an antidepressant once and I refused to take it because of the effect on my brain chemistry. I'd rather be depressed and alive than take a pill that might kill me.

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