
Is president Bush the worst president in your lifetime?

by Guest59752  |  earlier

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Is president Bush the worst president in your lifetime?




  1. Apparently Nixon wasn't all that popular, but I was only 2 the year he was impeached.

    Both George Sr. and Dubya have been horrible.

  2. Carter and Clinton.  

  3. Clinton was the worse and still wants to be on the BO coat tails even tho he said the man is stupid.

    If BO gets elected we will be writing his name in here along with slick willy

  4. No.  Jimmy Carter was far worse than Bush.  

  5. No, Clinton was the worst. And the worst in the history of this country were Franklin Pierce and the line of presidents before Abraham Lincoln took office. Pierce was drunk driving a horse and carriage and actually trampled and killed an elderly woman while in office...almost like Ted Kennedy. Jefferson Davis (who would later become the president of the Confederate States of America...and kind of looks like Abraham Lincoln's evil twin) was also his Secretary of War. Pierce opened up the possiblity of spreading slavery to the West and avoided addressing the growing issues of slavery and human rights.

  6. Yes.  Unless you are old to remember Herbert Hoover which led us into the great depression.

  7. YES. I am only 16 but the war is c**p and Clinton was a stud. I was only 1 for george's dad but he couldnt be too bad right

  8. No, Jimmy Carter ...........................................

  9. Actually, Bill Clinton was the worst in my lifetime, (if I was twice my age I'd probably be saying Jimmy Carter).

  10. He's not even the worst in the last decade.  I'd take him over LBJ or Carter or Clinton.

  11. Yes. He has actually commited most of the same atrocities as Nixon.

    He raped a woman and murdered her to silence the story.

    Now, one of these authors listed below said he thought the charges were ridiculous, but then, why the media cover-up?

    As he pointed out, the case was real, the documents can be viewed...

  12. Not by a long shot.

    Jimmy Carter was the worst in anyone's lifetime.

    Lyndon Johnson came a close second.

  13. I don't know but he's pretty bad. He is the worst in terms of its affect on me. I vaguely remember Reagan (was young) and heard the good and bad that he did. The good was not really good. It seemed like he was a great salesman. Spend but don't increase taxes. What did the American people get? We are continuing downhill and what is the future going to look like? We are still way too concerned with the short-term and not concerned enough about the long-term. People from years from now will be paying for today's mistakes and the mistakes of the past. It's not fair. They had nothing to do with it.

  14. Worst in the history of our nation

  15. Yes, hands down

    I love my country, but I have never had as much hate for my government as I do right now

  16. NO!!!  I know a lot of Messiah Worshipors will not agree, but people are going to look back one day, and find that President Bush stood his ground and did what needed to be done for this country!!!  Bill Clinton was a freaken joke!!

  17. no carter was, you people don't know how bad the USA was back then, Double digit inflation 20% unemployment



  19. Not just in my lifetime but he's the worst president in AMERICAN HISTORY!

  20. Hmm...It's awfully hard to beat Jimmy Carter. He was a good man, just not the best president. I recall as a kid the lines at the gas stations...and plenty of gas stations had absolutely NO GAS at all!

    Also recall seeing coverage of the unemployment lines; issues with our economy - talk about inflation! We haven't seen anything compared with back then. And energy crisis being experienced at that time. The US hostages in Iran. I'm sure there is more that I just can't recall at the moment.

  21. No, it was Jimmy Carter, whom Obama seems to have policy traits that are similar. If you are not old enough to remember this, read some history books instead of Time Magazine, which only glorifies Obama

  22. Yes absolutely, most definitely he is!

  23. nope! far from it! iwish he could be re-elected! i would vote for him!

  24. It's hard to say. Usually many people don't judge a president until after his term is over, records are unsealed, and the long term effects of his policies are seen.

    I will say that GW Bush is probably the least popular president during my lifetime though. But I wasn't alive during Carter, and I have heard some rough things about his presidency.

  25. most definately

  26. NO.

  27. He's the only one I've been old enough to pay any attention to, so I suppose yes.  

  28. No Jimmy"Hamas is not a terrorist group" Carter was hands down.

  29. Yes, by a LONG shot.

  30. No.

    It was Clinton.  He down sized the Military and put millions of Honorable Veterans on the unemployment line.

  31. I won't know tell he is out of office and the passion for and against him has die down.

    Of the ex-presidents I would have to say Carter is far worse than any others.


    Clinton was impeached.

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