
Is prince Harry promoting binge drinking amongst our young people, with his never ending public boozing?

by Guest10756  |  earlier

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Would he benefit from a visit to AA?




  1. isnt he just behaving like a regular young man its just unfortunate he is followed around by the papparatzi all the time.

  2. No.

  3. You might as well be saying..."If he jumped off a bridge then everyone else would too."  Don't blame behaviors of a large group of people on one person.  Everybody makes his/her own choices, and has to deal with the consequences.  I think it's more likely that the young people see their friends/older siblings/etc. drinking so they decided to do it too.

  4. I believe he is a very bad influence, just as bad as paris hilton... they are all a bad influence on society.. get rid of the monarchy..

  5. People who want to binge drink will do so, no matter what excuse pops up for it. Harry isn't responsible for any bad choices except those that he makes himself.

  6. I personally think that anyone who blames a celbrities drinking habits for young people binge drinking are idiots. anybody that seriously has the attitude of ooooooh loook [insert famous person here] is drunk lets go be cool like him should be shot.

  7. his brother binge drinks too. do they say he's promoting binge drinking? leave prince harry alone, and go bash paris hilton who's skinny *** doesn't do ****, or linsay lohan, or nicole richie,or all people his age who are in the media or not. most people who are 23 in the US and UK are in universities and trust me, more binge drinking takes place on college campuses than night clubs. and BTW the media only makes you think he binge drinks every night. you gullible fool! ha ha ha!!

  8. No, he isn't, but the media is

  9. I doubt he is, but our trashy media certainly is - and not only Harry - look at the rest of the pathetic moneyed alcoholics and drug abusers they hold up as icons for fools.

    Alongside most of these, Harry - aka 2/Lt Wales - is starting to look like an adult.

  10. sadly this is how many men his age behave.  It only becomes public  because he is a Prince.  There are those that think that becasue he is a Prince he should set an example, but on the other hand, he is a young lad and he isn't doing anything illegal. Does being a PRince also mean you have to give up doing things that other people do?  Its a hard one to answer, but I believe that like his mother his popularity and public understanding will come from him being a normal young man, and doing normal things like the rest of us.  Maybe when we see him in re-hab or at AA meetings he will become the example we want in public life, of somebody who has human failings and tries to turn them around.  

    To answer your question I don't believe he is promoting binge drinking.  I believe this habit would exist amongst young people without the Prince on the front pages.

  11. I hardly think that he is alone in that  :)

  12. I believe the answer, by consensus, is no

  13. Yes.

    -SS (-:Smiling Star-:)

  14. I don't think it is his fault that there is a massive increase in binge drinking since it isn't his fault he is photographed leaving night clubs. Besides, if you can show me a soldier that says he doesn't drink to excess either before going to the front or after I will show you a soldier that lies about how much he drinks.

    Binge drinking has been a problem with young people for many years now & it is totally unfair to place the blame on poor Harry.

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