
Is print/ newspapers really dead?

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Is print/ newspapers really dead?




  1. Not really. Many people enjoy reading articles - especially feature articles that give in-depth coverage - at their own pace and in their own time. And you'll never convince people to read comics or do crosswords online.....

  2. Yes, for many reasons

    1. The internet provides up to the minute news. If you missed who won the ball game last night,instead of waiting for the tv news or tomorrows newspaper, you just go on line and you have your sports scores, comics, breaking news etc.

    2. Newspapers make most of their revenue off of advertising and are afraid to offend any of their advertisers. Case in point,where I live in O.C. Ca, the OC Register did a report on Fairway Ford and how their service dept. was ripping off their customers, especially the elderly. Fairway Ford use to buy the entire back page of the OC Register for their advertising. Because of the story Fairway quit advertising with the O.C. Register all together, costing the Regesiter alot of revenue.

    3. People feel that newspapers are biased with their opinions and with their news.Case in point again..The OC Register likened the Minute Men,the people that are patroling the borders to a street gang and they should be treated as such.

  3. No print newspaper is nowhere near dead. While we do have a large computer generation there is a whole generation that is still alive that reads the paper every day. There are times when accessing the web for news is not always possible and people tend to read the paper at that point. Newspapers are also used in many classrooms for learning exercises.

  4. Only because we are dumbing down to the point where no one will be able to read.

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