
Is printing paper money good for the environment?

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Is printing paper money good for the environment?




  1. i dont believe it uses up alot of energy, and because of inflation and counterfieting* it uses up alot of trees for paper, that wastes our oxygen and destroys our rainforests...

    idk, its probably a matter of opinion...

  2. it really isn't as bad as you th ink because our "paper money" isn't made of paper.  It is a cotton microfiber mix. We don't cut down thousands of trees for our money.  It is also why counterfit money can be detected just by feeling it.

  3. not really paper money only has a usage life of 2 years where by coins have a circulation life of 20 plus years.The problem is winy complaining people that don't want large denomination coins.In Germany when I was there they had 5,10,20 dollar coins I thought it was great,I know Canada wants to make a 5 dollar coin but all the dumbies say it will make their pocket change to heavy.My wife works retail and people will have a pocket full of change and still give her a 20 for a chocolate bar.Plus coins are harder to counterfeit near impossible

  4. would you rather have a silicone chip in your wrist. The government would like this too

  5. I do not know the import of your question but I know this :

    Money is best spent if it is used to cut down/ reduce or remove pollution and to save the fragile and highly threatened  and only living planet - the Earth.

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