
Is proactiv really THAT amazing and will give you model skin?

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i always wondered this. i might try it. would you recommend it? it's expensive though. any other products that worked? please please please please help. my skin is terrible. pimples everywhere.




  1. Hello.

    My dermatologist said never to use it. I will tell you why. It has benzol peroxide which dries up your skin and can cause breakouts! The same think goes for oxy pads and those clearasil washes that have tons of alcohol. Spot treatment that contains alcohol is okay. My advice is to drink plenty of water and wash your face with an oil free cleanser. Cetaphil is great. Also, moisturize. Again, make sure it's oil free. Don't for get to ex foliate. I use a wonderful scrub that you can make in your kitchen! Simply mix sugar (white) and water to get a pasty mixture. Inthe shower, scrub it into your face. Lastly, don't touch your skin and consider getting a facial. They can be pricey but google a beauty school in your neighborhood. The people at the beauty schools are great and a facial is about $15. Plus, they use high quality products and its fun!

  2. I tried it for a short while, but it didn't work for me.  Then I found out it had a chemical in the ingredients that I'm allergic to, so I had to give away all my unopened kits.  

  3. I heard it works at first but then when you stop using it your face gets worse than how it started.So i would suggest not to use it.

  4. Proactiv doesn't work for everyone. There are people who see big changes, where as others see really bad drops in their skin.

    The best thing to do is get it and try it for 30 days, then if you don't like it, return it.

    Proactiv works for my brother but not me. It's different for each person, but I'd say a majority of the time it does work on most people.

    I just exfoliate and make sure my skin is clean and moisturized, besides the monthly break outs, I really have a clean face.

    And it's not that I don't have bad acne, my face was horrible in 5th grade to middle school.

  5. I found that it worked really well, but if you stop using it for like 2 days you breakout really badly.

  6. th only person who can truly help is a dermatologist. everyone has different types of acne so why get the same type of treatment? you know? and btw, proactiv isnt that great. that was the very first product i tried and it didnt do ANYTHING for me.

  7. Acne free is better, get it along with the black head eraser from clean and clear.

  8. From my experience, h**l no.

    I've used Proactiv, Clean & Clear, Clearasil and a few other over the counter stuff.  Try Acne Free: Severe.  That stuff (although not a "miracle) has helped me better than anything.  I've been using it for about a month and have next to clear skin.  It's not something that works over night but then again. . .  Nothing will.  I got it for $20 at Target.

  9. yes, cost less then other brands too, if u don't want to spend money on it since it is kinda costly, i recommend face washes and sleep and water, go online and just browse for different types of face washes i believe they all work just apply ur self, they will tell u what the face washes are made for, like oily skin or watever, trust me, neutrogen-i think thats how u spell it, really works i use it and i have to say u c results

  10. use something else like any clean and clear products  or sumtin cause i think you will see better results ; proactive its expensive n dont work for like half of the ppl that buy it; its a waste of money seriously; also goo see a determalogist ; tea tree oil is pretty good =) thats what im using right now =]


  12. its pretty good over a certain time, but if u stop, you'll break out bad

  13. I havent tried it but i've heard that it didnt work for everyone. I used to have really bad acne but instead I went to see a dermatologist who prescribed an acne cream and face wash specifically for my skin type. I think going to see a dermatologist is better since they can give you something specific for your type of acne. Well, hope i helped, good luck!

  14. I've used it and it didn't work very well.Try something like Neutrogena or Clean and Clear, they work alot better.

  15. its not that good. and if you stop using it, your skin gets worse.

  16. Well, I don't know how well it works, but it isn't really that expensive, one tube of prescription medication is usually over thirty dollars! Well, good luck! =P

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