
Is project Blue beam going to make it look like the 2ND coming of Christ,...?

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  1. Do you really take this sort of nonsense seriously? I Mean do you really? Do a search on the internet and see if you can find anything even remotely credible about this. And that points out one of the major problems with the internet: any moron, halfwit, crank, crackpop, nobrain, etc can write anything they want and put it out there for others of their ilk to peruse and drool over. One of my favorite phrases is "no one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the american public." Truer words were never spoken. From religion, to astrology (I worked for The Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton and actually had someone ask me if we did astrology!), any knid of superstitious garbage, rumor mongering ..... what's the use, idiots can not be convinced that their own particular brand of idiocy is idiotic. And no matter how many people BELIEVE something means absolutely nothing. I believe the Earth is flat. Didn't a lot of people think that at one time? Think again bozos. The Earth is the center of the universe. WRONG! Not even close. We aren't even the center of our solar system. It is just a shame that you have to wade through so much muck and garbage on the internet sometimes to find what you are looking for.

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