
Is property damage 'violence'?

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As part of militant civil disobedience?




  1. destruction of property not belonging to you is clearly wrong.

    The first answerer clarifies the definition of violence.

    No person has a right to infringe the rights of others in order to get their point across.  It betrays their own "cause" as well as the legal or moral ramifications of the act itself.

  2. If someone tears down your fence and tips your car over do you consider that violence?  I do.

  3. violence will be when you get shot by a property owner for destroying his property.

    Your refusal to recognize the property of others does not invalidate the law and will subject you to prosecution.

  4. Definition of violence

    Physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing: crimes of violence.

    The act or an instance of violent action or behavior.

    Intensity or severity, as in natural phenomena; untamed force: the violence of a tornado.

    Abusive or unjust exercise of power.

    Abuse or injury to meaning, content, or intent: do violence to a text.

    Vehemence of feeling or expression; fervor.

    Yes, violence is not always solely directed at a person, or living being.

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