
Is prostitution anti-womens rights or pro-womens rights?

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Forget all the rap songs about being a pimp.

think objectively, if a person barters money for sexual favors is this a rights issue?




  1. Since I don't see very many millionaires and heiresses going into prostitution for the fun of it, or stripping for that matter, I have to deduce that they are doing for the money , and or are being forced into it by a pimp.  

    I have to say it is anti-women's rights because women today are trying to be equal with men and taken seriously.  Prostitution is "the oldest profession" and is what women do to live, when all their other options are gone.  No one says, when I grow up I want to be a hooker.  Prostitution belongs in the old master/slave dichotomy.

  2. Prostitution is degrading ... a woman whom does it without consent is a victim and should be taken cared of and if she does it with consent then either she deems herself of little value , is a w***e , naive , confused , morally desensitized or has no means and sees it as the only way to make money ... morality is not relative ... it is absolute ... prostitution is anti human and morally wrong/condemned

  3. You do know that there are male Prostitutes right?

  4. It's Pro-Womens rights.

    Problem is they are in capable of seeing it that way.

    1)  Legalize Prostitution and Rape all of disappears.

    2)  It's handled by the state and disease drops as well.

    3)  Domestic Violence follows the same path....down.

  5. I don't understand why it's illegal. I personally wouldn't have s*x for money, but I have a friend who made a good living doing just that for a few years. She used protection with the men. Now, if it had been legal, her boyfriend/pimp/baby daddy wouldn't have ended up in jail and she wouldn't be a single mother or maybe she'd be able to get some child support!! Now she doesn't do it anymore and struggles to pay the bills with her minimum wage job....but at least it's honest work. Right?

  6. its just prostitution.

    Prostitutes don't generally talk about it as a rights issue. Non prostitute academics usually do that nonsense for them. Prostitutes do it to get money or because they are kidnapped and forced to do it for money for someone else. That's it.

  7. Prostitution it's self is pro.  The many reasons these women get into it and what they deal with on a daily basis are anti.

  8. Well, I have a few responses...

    1) If I offer to mow your lawn for money, I am trading a service for cash... why is it different when genitals or pleasure are involved?

    2) The same argument for abortion can also be made for prostitution: who has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body?  In this case, there isn't even a fetus involved to stir the "life" debate!

    3) If it were legalized, it could be regulated... meaning that diseases and STDs would be closely monitered, it could be taxed (contributing to things like healthcare, education, and infrastructure), and most likely, education and awareness about health and disease prevention would be hightened.

    4) I agree with the fact that underage prositution and human trafficing and exploitation IS a HUMAN issue... but for a consenting adult selling his or her sexual services to be categorized as "a rights issue" is ridiculous.  It is a choice- one that another consenting adult can participate in... but does not HAVE to.  

    5) People pay to watch p**n... in MANY forms... why is paying to watch someone have s*x different from paying to participate in the s*x?  And the "actors" in the p**n films get paid to have s*x... are they all prostitutes?  And if so, why is it legal, but watching or participating in a "live performance" in your living room is not?

    I was an exotic dancer for many years.  I started doing it because the money was good.  After a few years, I came to realize that it wasn't the money that was keeping me there: there is no amount of money that can make you want to deal with some of the scumbags that frequent that environment, nor is there enough money to make you want to deal with the other dancers that participate in the "s*x and drugs" lifestyle.  What kept me there was that I loved it... I had a lot of fun!  I did not do drugs, and not once in 7 years did I sell myself for s*x.  Why people say that it is degrading is beyond me... for me, it was never a rights issue.  It was an "I'm working my butt off and paying my bills so I can have nice things and paying for college and working to better myself" issue... which can be applied to many occupations.  I don't dance anymore because I had a baby and it destroyed my body (lol), but at 28 years old, I would still be doing it BECAUSE I enjoyed it- the six figure income was just a perk!

    Sorry about the rant and thanks for the question!  :)

  9. It's two sides of the coin. It's got it's good and it's bad, like everything else in the world.

    Have you watched or read "The secret diary of a call girl?" It's based on a true story of a london prostitute, and she lists the positive aspects....but there's also some negative stuff too.

  10. Prostitution is illegal.

  11. It isn't either. It is a very degrading job that has nothing to do with women's rights because it is still illegal after women got rights. Obviously something is wrong with it.

  12. marriage is legal prostitution, hey , we are all prostitutes of some sort in this life.

  13. There is a BIG problem with prostitution...beside the s*x trafficking, did you know that most new workers in the USA are just  13 years old! They are children of both sexes

    Here I post a link about girls:

    Prostitution is a Human Rights issue!

  14. I don't think of it a a woman's right to do with her body so much.  I think what a consenting "ADULT" chooses to do with their body is their business and people shouldn't interfere.

  15. It probably depends on the context. In real life, many people are forced into prostitution in various ways, and it ruins their lives. Then there's the fact that women are already socialised to think of themselves as s**y things for men to react to and enjoy - prostitution isn't going to make that any better.

    In a world where everyone involved did it because they really wanted to, prostitution might be okay, but that's not going to happen any time soon.

  16. It's the oldest profession there is, way before women even had rights so I'm going to say anti.

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