
Is prostitution good for society?

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please help me with some ideas and true facts about this statement if you agrree with it or not

please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. yes. How are fat people or ugly people supposed to get s*x?

    What about when I get to old, like in my late 30s?

  2. For some reason women say "NO" and men say "YES"... I would say h**l yeah... I'm a man...

  3. hmm good question,

    i think that its unnecessary to be completley honest, i mean if you go to a bar it is impossible NOT to pull someone, all be it they may not be "attractive" but many prostitutes arent either, due to drug use ect, (not all of them!!!)

    i think really mny woman are just greedy for money and selling your body is so undignified and they have no respect for themselves

  4. Only if it is strictly regulated by the government and closely monitored by the CDC.

    It's not natural to hold off on animal urges, and getting laid makes everyone less cranky!

  5. I think it really depends on how you view prostitution.  If you view prostitution as a form of work than often times you will support the existence of prostitution. If one sees prostitution as a deviant or criminal act than chances are that person would not support it.  I personally am a fence sitter on this issue.  

    The reason why is because scholars on both sides of prostitution (for and against) make good arguments. Those who are pro prostitution seems to view it as a form of legitimate work that serves a social function in society (providing a sexual outlet for those who may not have one).  Many scholars in the pro camp believe laws should not dictate what people do with their bodies. You should look up the San Francisco Task Force on Prostitution or the Prostitution Educational Network for more arguments on this side of the coin.

    The anti camp argues that many people are forced into prostitution only to be abused, neglected and objectified.  For more information on this, you should read the work of Andrea Dworkin and Catherine MacKinnon.  They are the queens of the anti-prostitution stance.  

    In recent years in the U.S., there has been a lot of discussion on how to manage prostitution as one of the oldest professions in the world. The reality is it will not come to an end.  In the U.S., we manage prostitution through the criminalization method with the exception of a few counties in Nevada.  Many people argue that the criminalization method is not working and we need to come up with new solutions.  People often think that the legalization method used in Nevada may be the answer. I caution against the assumption that this may be the golden ticket to fix the prostitution problem in the U.S.  If you are interested in knowing more about the brothel prostitutes in Nevada, you should read "The Mustang Ranch" by Alexa Albert.  Albert spent several months inside this brothel to complete a condom study and ended up with a wealth of information on how prostitutes operate under the legalization method.  

    I hope this helps you. Good luck!

  6. no idea..

    i wouldnt think that it would be but that would definitely be my perspective..

    i think there is an argument out there (somewhere!) that its good for society in the sense that it caters to the urges i.e. oldest profession in the world..doesnt really make it a good thing..i know there is some stuff in the sociology of deviance on it...dont know how much just noticed it when browsing a book of deviance one day.

  7. Prostitution is not a very good word for the occupational calling of the gift of being a vessel for release sexual release and building up the man whose life needs a tender re-affirming touch of a woman.

    Years ago, I met a very young girl who felt her calling in the church was to be as in the days of old a “temple priestess” who calling was to allow men to facilitate her as s***n bank for their release, etc.

    Although I did not participate with her, I saw how the positive effects played out in the church body. All men of that church visited her.

    What I think is sad about prostitution outside of Nevada and other legal areas  in the world is that men, woman and children, have needs and have not a legit source of release outside of their own hand and that is just wrong.

    Having no release and no place to openly talk about s*x and sexual responsibility hurts our world society.

    If a person who was professionally trained in Anatomy/Physiology, Basic and Advance First Aid Etc., CPR, Tartaric Massage etc,. Sanitation, Chemistry, Sociology, Physiology, etc. would make a good occupation for PSP Professional Sexologist Fractioned.

    She or He treat his or her patients and those who are out of balance who may commit sexual violence to the outside world can be found out through this process and can be helped and save society from sadness and another prisoner marked for life. He/She can learn respect of others/stable lifestyle etc. from small study groups which also teach fiscal responsibility etc. to incorporate a stable life for themselves, then the world would be a better place.

    The Christian Church needs to take up this cause to help others for the Church with Salvation in Jesus (John 3:16 - 18) has real love and care, which the other religions of the world is sadly lacking!!

    My only concern of implementing this degree program is the visit cost per person would be too high for those who really need it.

    Maybe have corporate sponsors to pay all cost of the program and use a PSP in their places of business and advertising program as such on place ads that may say, “Have you got laid today?”  While this is a cute saying, we all must be serious about this program and have it implemented ASAP.

    We have gone on to long and need to address these issues.

    We also need to address other issues such as the age of consent laws etc. which hypocrites keep raising, open approval of masturbation for all, taking care of the homeless and poor of the world. Helping children have a better education and Christian life, a more positive sexual understanding and practical knowledge not just book knowledge so they can make better choices throughout their life and not at a whim of the moment.

    Email me or chat for this and other ideas,

    I hope this will help.

  8. s*x is natural, whether you pay for it or not.

    and it happens everywhere, all the time, for centuries.

    consensual s*x between two people who don't know each other should not be a crime.

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